Search - Show "description" column in search results
We use the search facility when trying to locate a previous invoice from a customer but the search doesn't show a summary of the items ordered (the "description" column) so could you perhaps add the "description" column listing into the search results when the down arrow is pressed that currently only shows the date and payment total. We find we need to go through so many invoices just to find the one which has a certain "product" customer ordered.

Admin Red Shed commented
Same would apply to Bills, please add this functionality
Glenn Clarke commented
Search feature to include 'NEXT' option when viewing searched invoices!
Or more simply, to include 'Description' in the search, for more specific results. -
Bill Schairer commented
Seems like a no brainer that shouldn't be technically difficult.
Sarah Mitchell commented
not searching description is poor form as Reckon allows for the extra columns in the invoice and searches products.
Jenni Stent commented
Being able to add additional columns would save so much time! Description and GL should be simple to add, and would save Huge amounts of search and rec time!
Book Keeping Martin Heller commented
Another option that should be basic, probably because Xero is aimed at the small business owner who doesnt know much about proper accounting but for anyone who knows about accounts this is very beneficial.
Chris Maydew commented
Description would be useful within the invoice list views when clicking into a contact too and also on debtors and creditors reports. It is a basic field and without it, an invoice number can be meaningless.
Janet Hiern commented
There is so much more that needs to be improved in the search results. Showing a description could start to ease the unhelpful results. You use a search function to find an invoice, bill or other transaction. It's hopeless if you need to interrogate each one, especially when doing so closes the search results if you forget to open in a new tab. This function also needs to return results in some logical order - by date could be an idea. Results need to be exportable - just excel (no fancy formatting, no merged cells)and if they could be sorted in the results window by contact, date etc. this would be a useful function. As it is it's basic, barely functional.
John Brown commented
you need to sort the out its a big problem for me I am very dissapointed, you seem very sheepish about this i have asked before
Llana Collier commented
I agree this would save me lots of time and money.
Deirdre Ashton commented
Definitely needed as this is the only place to enter invoice numbers. Not being able to search an invoice number is time consuming.
John McHugh commented
I find it hard to believe Xero cannot impliment a simple search feature or description column
drycut Account commented
this is more usefull if can search by description
Deirdre Ashton commented
I agree this would make Xero search more efficient!
Carolyn Devlin commented
Having to search through each and every invoice looking for an item is taking up too much time
Chris Pickles commented
This is a must; it is taking too long to find information. Thankyou
Keith Langridge commented
This is needed please