Remittance - Select & send from Account Transactions screen
It would be great to have the ability to have a ‘send remittance advice’ button under the accounts transactions page of the bank accounts to easily tick the payments you want to send a remittance advice of to suppliers. Perhaps next to the ‘remove & redo’ button. This will save a lot of time having to go into a payment transaction. I know that the remittance advices can be send for bulk payments but this needs to be done before the payment is removed if various suppliers are paid in the same batch. The same option can perhaps be added for “send receipt” for customer payments received to enable the ability to choose various transactions and not have to go into each transaction.

Anna Maria De Carvalho commented
I would like the option to send remittance advices while reconciling directly from the bank account or the ability to generate a report of paid suppliers by date and send remittance advices accordingly.
This would help streamline the process and improve efficiency. Please let me know if this feature is available or if there’s an alternative solution.
Simon Bonelle commented
I am desparate for this feature to be added please !!
When I do a payment run I have to do about 3 or 4 clicks per payment instead of being able to just select the checkbox next to the statement line and then click oone button to send them all in one go.
Please make this a priority !!
Anita | Botham's of Whitby commented
Hi all, because of this we started using Nook to make our batch payments, as it automatically sends a remittance for every payment and worked out for us cheaper that using the Xero batch payment that was 24p each one and didn't send auto-remittances. It syncs with Xero so we pay our supplier pay runs and payroll on there with a couple of clicks. Hope this might help you!
Helen Burrows commented
So time consuming clicking on every single payment made to send a remittance :(
George Wang commented
Yeah, it will make life a lot easier. Thank you.
Jasdev Dhanjal commented
Very Critical
Jane Stergio commented
Being able to send multiple payment receipts by selecting multiple customer Payments in the BankAccounts->Account Transactions screen would be so good - add a button next to the "Remove and Redo" button and send the default Payment Receipt. This would save opening every payment each time - which takes a lot of time when there are a lot of receipts.
Doni Atanasova commented
We also use the new Direct payments in Xero (via Crezco), but sending manually remittances makes no sense and it is not efficient at all. Please allow bulk remittances.
Emily Inman commented
wasting loads of time individually sending out remittances, please please would love this feature. - using crezco and the automated payments is great. but then having to send out 100s of remits one by one
Anita | Botham's of Whitby commented
Please could you look into this Xero? We are using the new paid payments feature in Xero - but remittances are not sent for us! We are sending about 20+ payments each time, and clicking an individual payment then multiple clicks to send a remittance one at a time is crazy....
Oliver Adey commented
Very annoying that the multiple remittance option has been removed with the change from Wisepay to Crezco. Feels like a step backward in terms of functionality and is wasting us a lot of time as we make payment files for 20+ bill payments twice per week.
Joseph Lines commented
Hi All, Joe (co-founder of Nook 5-star payments app in Xero)
We automatically send out remittances when making bulk payments. You can check us out in the Xero app store. We are continually developing around customer needs. Check us out - happy to give anyone a demo.
Anthony Sarno commented
With bulk payments (Wise) it was possible to send multiple remittances with a single click. With Crezco this feature is no longer possible and they need to be sent individually. Please allow bulk remittance advice as before.
Stephen Harrison commented
Same as many others here, now we have switched from Wise to the new system, the lack of bulk remittance sending is a definite downgrade. Adding a 'send remittance' action to the transactions list would go a long way to resolving this.
The icing on the cake would then be for the Open Banking payment process to take you to the transactions screen with all the relevant payments pre-ticked, so you don't need to select them all manually (and avoid mistakes in that selection).
Sandrine Hewes commented
I completely agree with the comments on remittance advice. The functionality is missing since Crezco has taken over from Wise. We don't have time to go into each bill to send a remit. Wise got it right by having the batch coming on the screen and for us to tick or untick the suppliers we wanted to receive the remit. Please can Xero add this functionality? Thank you
Laurence Elliott commented
Yes this is very frustrating, please sort this out!!
Michael van Zwanenberg commented
With bulk payments (Wise) it was possible to send multiple remittances with a single click. With Crezco this feature is no longer possible and they need to be sent individually. Seems a backward step. ?
Lynn Sinclair commented
Completely agree - I can't believe that we now have to send Remittance Advices one by one, rather than in a batch/couple of clicks. One step forwards (Payments via Open Banking) + one step back (hugely time-consuming and manual sending of remittance advices)!
Karen Bennett commented
Allow remittance advices being sent for direct payments screen without having to individually send from bank account transactions afterwards.
Ian Clouting commented
I was really pleased to see direct banking come in and give the ability to pay direct from Xero. However, my disappointment is that I need to send Rem Advices. If I make an individual payment the link takes me to the bill and I can send this. However, if I try to batch payments to different suppliers the Rem Advice link takes me to the Bank account & I have to go into each payment individually to send the Rem Advice and this take time and is messy. The old batch payment system gave you the ability to send all the Rem Advices from the batch payment screen in one go. Is there any way to add this to the direct banking system?