Contacts - Add a Job Title field
To be add the job title of a primary person and additional person in a contact details.
Xero is not a CRM but to manage the invoicing and bills relationship with contact, it could be great to know the position of the person on the other side.
It could be a great add-on as to know to whom we are addressing our email in the contact company.

Hi community, we understand how being able to add a persons job title in contacts would help distinguish and identify within a contact.
Being open, this isn't something we have plans of for the time being. Right now, though not the ideal solution you could possibly use the notes feature in contacts to add detail of the differentials. We know this won't solve the needs for everyone in the idea but may help for some scenarios.
If there is any plans made around this we will update you of this, here.
Gary Guillon commented
It is not useful for you to say 'it is not a a CRM system'.
If you did a survey, you will find 99% of users will want this BASIC information.For us to continue to use Xero, we need these additions:-
Contacts: need Job Title.
Additional Contacts: need Job Title and Phone Number.Xero is becoming un-useable, we need these simple additional database fields added to the Xero software. We develop systems for local government, so we know this isn't difficult to do.
Nicolas Berner commented
Xero please reconsider. Need to differentiate roles in the invoicing cycle (ie new invoices, statements, accounts payable etc)
Blake Bambrook commented
+1 on the OP's suggestion and the comments here. Please reconsider the decision to not make this change. The job title would be helpful and also the ability to add a phone number to the point of contact. At present you can only add a name and email address.
I would also second the idea that not having a simple feature is not a deal breaker but refusing to address it when clearly many users have a need for it says a lot about the company and I am reluctant to support companies that operate like that. -
Vince McKnight commented
This is such a simple change to make. I don't understand why this is not being considered. In NetSuite, I could have added the field in the time it took to type this response.
I can understand not considering a complex change, but I don't understand the unwillingness to make this change.
If Xero is not going to make simple changes like this then Xero needs to give us the ability to add our own fields.
The reason this impacts us is because without the functionality to add fields we are not able to keep the application updated to meet our changing needs, therefore we have to rely on external databases to perform our jobs. When the complexity of maintaining multiple databases gets too great, we just switch to a platform that can meet our needs in a more comprehensive manner. This little request is of big significance to us and should be to Xero.
Test usder commented
This is such a simple change to make. I don't understand why this is not being considered. In NetSuite, I could have added the field in the time it took to type this response.
Kirsty Iovino commented
Some of our Contacts have multiple people's emails attached so it would be good to add their job titles so we know who is who when making contact with our suppliers
Ronan Kelly commented
Can you please have a field for the contact person's role. It seems odd that there is no place to detail the role that your client contacts have. I would think this is a very important feature of any accounts and finance system. Possible to do this?
Lisa Kennedy commented
We should be able to have multiple contacts, including their titles, emails, and address. I have main contacts, and their phone and address, but I also have the accounting contact in many cases. It's important to have this person identified as the accounting person, their specific phone number, their email and their location, if it's different than main contact. These are very crucial items that need to be part of Xero software.
Sharon Evans commented
Job titles for different contacts including their on direct phone and mobile would also be a great help. Please add these fields to additional contacts.
Rensia van der Merwe commented
This would help a lot
Pauline Sargisson commented
Would be good to have this feature as we are implementing Purchase Orders so now have multiple people in one supplier location that we need different emails for but no ability to indicate who is who
Derek White commented
I work with many architects who request quotes/invoice from our company on behalf of their client
At the moment we have to create a new contact entry for every client such as
ABC company on behalf of Fred Bloggs
ABC company on behalf of Samantha Smith
If there was an optional field, say "on behalf of" that we could include in the quote/invoice such as
on behalf of [client name]
The default would be the same as now
ABC Company
However, if the "on behalf of" option was selected a new field would appear in the quote/invoice [Client Name]The result would be one entry for
ABC Company
and the ability to add individual clients on individual quotes -
Maris-Claire Salazar commented
Can we please have Titles (aka mr/mrs/Dr) added in Xero Tax contacts and import csv. Here is Australia we have it as part of our ProjectManagerTax and as we provide services to a doctors surgery this is rather important.