Expenses: Set default due date
Can we please have the ability to set a due date for an expense? Currently it is set as the day it is approved, but we pay all our expenses for the whole month, on the 15th of the following month. It would be good to be able to set this as default for any expenses raised.

Mark Dissington commented
Absolutely agree with the need for this. Just spent an hour looking for how to set/change it as I couldn't imagine there wasn't an option already to do it.
Amy Hogarth commented
For a business like ours that incurs a lot of personal expenses - this is critical to not ending up with an overwhelming Bills To Pay list.
Rifle Hughes commented
Add me to the chorus. The inability to set a default due date, much less even edit it is super frustrating.
Carol Remmers commented
The ability to set the due date as expenses are not paid on the same day. It makes the whole overdue invoices warning nonsensical as all expenses are included in this and immediately show as overdue
Ed Oakley commented
Yes please allow for an adjustable due date on expense initiated bills. This seems like a simple feature that would be expected of accounting/ bookkeeping software. Thank you.
David Myers commented
This is a basic function which is, sadly, absent. It needs to be added to ensure aged payables reports are as accurate as possible.
Mike Sheppard commented
Massively support this idea!
Christopher Drennen commented
So frustrating that Xero doesn't seem to care about accounting records and reports being correct.
Matt Willis commented
yet another obvious requirement - can't see why the bills can't be edited.
So many things that never seem to happen with Xero, what are the things that get priority?
Maybe time to recruit more programmers? -
Thi Nguyen commented
+1 please add this feature in XERO, my boss has gone mad because of the overdue red flags appears in her tab.
Leanne O'Neill commented
I have found this post after becoming frustrated with 100s of 'overdue' expenses cluttering up my supplier payments - we to pay expenses once a month in one batch but at the minute i have to scroll through lines and lines of expenses to spot actual supplier payments and when they are due. So frustrating and easy to miss other things.
Mark Sharples commented
This would help a lot of our clients!
Dee Wright commented
we urgently need this as it's providing inaccurate reports for overdue payments
Nadine Hyslop commented
We need the ability to edit the due date completely! Just like with bills/invoices. All our expense claims are generally from the directors buying extra equipment in a quiet month, so they don't expect to be reimbursed for a couple of months. It is very annoying showing in 'overdue' on the dashboard/ in AP.
If we have the ability to amend the date then I can focus on paying creditors who need the payment.
Some of them automate to approval date - but if I don't approve them on entry I will forget! -
Rachel Bean commented
+1 Completely agree and need this feature.
Tony Strachan commented
It is very important for scheduling the payment of expenses claims and by having the default date as the day of approval masks the true list of overdue invoices.
Isac James commented
Thinking of moving to a third party expense solution for this
Michael Sturmey commented
Either set a defauly against provider (i.e. end of month/4 weeks from creation) or at least allow the user to set/edit on the payment itself.
Michael Sturmey commented
This is an inconvenience and causes unnecessary confusion over what is actually due. I would expect this is a fairly simple fix. Could you please prioritise? Thanks
Max Resnikoff commented
Definitely need a way to get rid of the sea of red (overdue) expenses!In addition, I think there should be the option to let employees know when it will be paid.
I appreciate that it can be done by creating a payment for the expenses, which will in turn notify the employee that the payment is planned. But there needs to be a bit more detail and feedback for the employee.If you opt to not create a payment for the expenses (which we don't as more expenses might crop up), the employee gets a notification stating that their expenses are on their way ONLY once the expense is reconciled. By that point, the money is already in the employees bank account.
If you were to set a due date (or planned date) for the expense(s), it should tell the employee the date it is planned to be paid. It should also update the due date.