Chart of accounts - Add support for subaccounts
Xero should have the ability (similar to QuickBooks) to have sub accounts in Chart of Accounts.

Jennifer Heisey commented
I really needed this feature as well. However, I did find a workaround: -
Gregory Scott Jones commented
Any update on when sub-account functionality will be added?
Douglas Dodds commented
Got most of the way through new account entry and opening balances, only to find no subaccount functionality...I figured this feature was a given, seeing that most other software out there has this structure. It's absolutely necessary.
Coming out of the dumpster fire that is QBOL, I thought I had found our answer in Xero but the search apparently goes on... -
Luis VelazquezSantos commented
Sub-accounts, subsidiary accounts, contra accounts, and parent and child accounts are sometimes necessary to better understand the correlation, relationship, or even the offset of an account.
Elliot McKendrick commented
Yes please!
Riaan Badenhorst commented
I did not know that Xero cannot create sub-accounts. All other software has this feature. Just provide a cleaner trial balance report that does not look "clunky". Yet another feature expected to be available that isn't.
Matthew Ranby commented
Is this something that can be done within Xero? I need to create sub-accounts and have them grouped under a parent account.
Dennis Adams commented
I used to use Xero. I'm fairly certain I could create subaccounts. What happened? How does the chart of accounts even function without this ability? I'm assuming there is an alternative, but I don't know what it is.
Deborah Sugarman commented
I just did a search and found other comparable accounting programs that DO have sub accounts. I really need that feature. I'm wondering if I'm doing the right thing converting to Xero without it.
Collis Marrett commented
Agree with all the comments here. A simple basic function that is standard on your competitors equivalent products, and a reason to choose them over Xero. Sub accounts is hardly reinventing the wheel, should not be an issue to implement.
Clover Melville commented
Xero have never enabled or set up SUB Accounts. It is a feature MOST needed by many clients.
Please provide a workaround. You make the option of 'Categories' available as a quasi tool. ( I know about grouping also)
HOWEVER it is a tricky business trying to categorise every transaction and not miss this step. Especially by other users.OPTION for Better Use of CATEGORIES
When setting up an Account in the 'Chart of Accounts' Could Xero enable a feature to set a Category option here - so no matter who is working on the file - The Account used could be set up to include a set category option pulling through to the account code at invoicing, billing, Spend Money etc.
This would enable a sure fire better option to have a closer more doable reporting system for splitting the account income and expenses for those who trully need it.
Then The user can rely on the choosing of the account code, and this will be linked to the correct categories of various income and expenses which could be created linked by categories from conception. This would work much better.
Suzanne Vermeulen commented
Yes, can hardly comprehend that this isn't a standard feature, that creates a sub-total for all chicken accounts (and all hen accounts cannot be posted to).
David Engel commented
100% absolutely. This is essential. I can't believe Xero doesn't support this.
David Engel commented
Seriously, we need sub/parent accounts in Xero. This is how accounting is done. It must be here.
Bruno Ferreira commented
Agreed. For lab fees account, we could assign which dentists they belong to.
Vikas Deshwal commented
This will help in generating good reports and classifying the revenue and cost further. For example expences could be divided into Material, labour and overheads.
Trevor Courtney commented
It's really important to us.
Corrine Coombe commented
Sub codes would be great
Vikas Deshwal commented
Agree, We should have another sub account heads or classification. Also the names of account heads should be editable. For example expences could be devided in Material, labour and overheads.
Trevor Courtney commented
Agree with all of these comments. Tracking is a poor substitute for subaccounts.