Quotes - Autosave
Would love to see the autosave available for Quotes. Often my clients are distracted whilst creating Quotes and when they've navigated to another section (rather than opening a new Xero tab), the Quote disappears!
For one of my clients, his quoting is very detailed and this process takes valuable time which he'd rather not have to repeat if the Quote is no longer there.
Invoices are autosaved of course, once a Contact is entered, so I would assume that the same principle could easily be applied to Quotes....

Hi team, while we understand the desire for auto-save in quotes here, we want to be open that we don't have plans for changing the current save behaviour for quotes for the time being. While seemingly simple there is a fine balance in creating a save experience that'll suit majority of users. As some may have seen with new invoicing that has auto-save implemented, we've received wide ranging response for this feature, and there is more work needed to fine tune.
To confirm the current experience, when creating quotes in Xero you'll want to select the Save button before navigating elsewhere in your org, or leaving the page to ensure the contents of your quote is saved.
If there are any intentions of changing how save works in quotes, we will surely let you know on the idea here. Thanks
Ian Gilroy commented
For me personally, I am disappointed in Xero, & no auto-save is driving me crazy and costing a lot of time.
Charles Robertson commented
Hi Team, it would be most beneficial for us in small business if the auto save function could be implemented into the system, this would bring Xero in line with other cloud-based applications for example Microsoft 365
Yesterday I spent half the day on a large quote only to return after a break and the data was no longer present.
Neil Chilton commented
This reply sums up my experience of Xero customer requests. You simply do not listen to customers' views. Autosave is not optional, it is essential! We all lose work through this. It is clear that the developers of Xero havent run a small business _using_ Xero. There are so many great ideas posted by your customers. It is time to seriously listen to them. Xero is a very good product - but not a perfect product. Why would you not want it to be perfect?
Ben Dobson commented
I just can't believe there's no appetite for an auto save function in quotes... As a small business owner its super frustrating to spend hours on a quote forget to hit the save button like in the 90's and loose all your work. I have multiple windows open when producing quotes and one hit of the back button and its all over! This has happened to me more than once and its so frustrating!! please sort it out!!
James Gardner commented
I am literally open mouthed at the jawdropping incompetence of the development of this product. Thanks for more and more wasted time. As so many others have said, of course we all wish we had hit save, but that is not how busy, overstretched people work. We make mistakes, Xero is meant to, at phenomenal cost, HELP its customers, not actively hinder them.
Maybe it is time to find some professional software. Utterly incredible.
Zane Bennett commented
I mean a short term solution for this if you are struggling so hard is the ability to CTRL+S or press the save and stay on the same screen.
I agree with James Rowe's sarcastic but accurate post. There is a balance between saving, losing your train of thought while it changes screen then going back and getting frustrated because there are so many things you can click on teh screen that open in the same page and delete your ENTIRE $60,000 QUOTE!!!
Nobody does the same quote as well the next time -
James Rowe commented
Oh, Xero. You've outdone yourselves yet again. Working on a quote? Sure! But why finish it when you can experience the thrill of losing everything!
AUTO-SAVE! AUTO-SAVE! AUTO-SAVE! – you know, that fancy feature every piece of modern software (and their dog) uses? Not for you guys, though. Nah, let’s stick with the ol' “press save or perish" method. Keeps us on our toes!
No auto-save? What a bold move! Revolutionary, even. Why auto save when you can invoke a roller coaster of emotions every time I switch screens or—dare I say it—press "save"? Because nothing says "productivity" like losing an hour's work to... well, nothing.
Let's talk heartbreak, Xero. Picture this: One glorious hour away from my children, crafting the quote of the century. Everything’s going swimmingly, my creative juices are flowing like a river—click, click, click, I'm a quoting machine! I hit return, and BOOM! Xero, in all its wisdom, sends me off to create a new product. And just like that, my masterpiece vanishes into the digital ether. Auto-save? Nah, who needs that when we can just guess what we lost, right?
I can already feel the panic creeping in whenever I start a new quote. Do I save after every line? Every breath? Maybe after every blink, just in case! Because nothing screams "reliable" like a system that doesn't save your work... unless you beg it to, repeatedly.
And now, today’s pièce de résistance: I was really in the groove, adding items like a man possessed. Oh, what a quote it was becoming! The detail! The precision! And then, bam, Xero pulls a fast one, shoves me into the abyss of creating a new product—and my beautiful work? Lost to the abyss because, once again, NO AUTO-SAVE!
Honestly, it’s almost impressive that Xero, a tool I pay £550 a year for, can't manage to include a feature that free software nailed decades ago. Google? Pfft, what do they know? Auto-saving people's work... as if!
Let me be serious for just one second though, Xero. What exactly am I paying for? Because at this point, I’m thinking my subscription fee is going to fund a cutting-edge time-travel feature—where I get to go back and re-do all my lost work.
So please, spare us all the heartache. Frame this email, hang it proudly, and remember: This was the moment. The moment you finally realised that AUTO-SAVE is not some mythical creature. It’s real, it's useful, and it's about time you got on board.
Kern Jamieson commented
Autosave to save me business time!!!!!!!
Stop letting your customers risk loosing all their hard work.
This needs attended to urgently please.
Kern Jamieson commented
I agree with this massively.
I have just lost another 2 hours of my life and valuable calculations down the drain due to me forgetting to save.
Autosave is in almost all other online applications, please make this a feature that can be accessed as it feels like the app is very much in the dark ages without it.
Now im off to work having wasted a moring on this xero app.
Joanna Gibbs commented
Yes please!!! Auto save for quotes DEFINITLEY!!!!! Too many times we loose data
Sara Langfield commented
We have just lost a large amount of quoting work. We press save continually and it still disappears. AUTOSAVE IS NEEDED! We are loosing so much time with Xero shutting off and logging out and not autosaving the quote work.
Sandra Evans commented
No Autosave for quoting is a real issue and should be a function that is added to the software. Several times now we have lost hours of quoting work in the blinknof an eye. Sometime it is not clear why it has happened and othertimes it is accidental click of a button. You can't retrieve it from anywhere, leaving extreme amounts of stress for the creator. Please add automatic saving to all the software areas, even if it is in settings tonturn on or off as a user.
Sandra Evans commented
Lost hours of quoting this evening and this has happened several times now. Incredibly frustrating amd disappointing it is not a function that secures the work.
RHINO2- Ray Leong commented
Read those comment shared and its exactly what i had experienced and gone thru.
Been disappointed and ******, to have to re-type all those details calculation.
Hope other new user, doesnt had to get thru this nightmare.Look forward to have this fixed....
Michal Wierzchowski commented
just lost whole day of work because of that.. pleas fix it.
Autosave seems so obvious!!!! -
Lewis Tidy commented
I cannot believe this is still not a function in Xero, how many times have I accidently clicked on something which takes me off of the quote and lost hours worth of typing and calculations.
Once, I kid you not I had been typing up a quote over 6 hours and we got a power cut... -
Sara Langfield commented
This is would be a great feature! Our computer shuts it's self down and we loose everything. Autosave on quotes would save us lots of time.
Atlantic Accounts commented
Yes, similar experience here. Also, having tabbed across the page, an error opens, then when the error is closes, the quote closes also.
Michael Maher commented
I can't understand how this isn't already a thing.
I've lost HEAPS of time because of this and it is so frustrating.
Sometimes I even just write it as an invoice and then "copy to quote" at the end. -
Ian Terley commented
I've lost business due to not submitting a quote in time because it got lost.