AU Payroll - Add negative reimbustments to pay templates
I want a negative Reimbursement line item in the Employee Template.
This can be done in a Payrun, but cannot be done in the Employee Template screen.
With STP 2 we have some payroll reimbursement entries that need to be processed every pay. They need to be positive and negative entries so that the Wages Payable account does not go out of balance. This can be done in a payrun - why not in the Employee Pay Template. Please see the screenshots.

Hi team, while it isn't possible to make a negative reimbursement line in an employees pay template, you could set up a deduction pay item.
A deduction item would function the same as the negative reimbursement line, as well as being able to be added into the employees pay template.
It'd be good to understand more if there's a reason using a deduction wouldn't be adequate here.
John Lewis commented
Would a deduction fill the same function?