Xero Search | Items - search more fields
Can the magnifying glass search for anything entered so you can see where an item has been entered before, at present it only searches the information in the reference box. Sage & Quickbooks already do this and its very helpful as a book keeper.

Is there a specific field of an item that you'd generally search for, Janie?
Being open, we don't intend to allow for the ability to search 'any field' that data can be entered in Xero.
However if you can be more detailed in the terms you're searching this maybe something other in community want to see too and we can share with the team who develop Search in Xero.
Janice Mcgrother commented
Would be great if the seach function on the main page was more powerful to include descriptions within invoices, partial search input to pick up things with part of that name in them, the search function is really basic and doesn't pick up most of the things you would hope it would. I know you can go into account transactions but it takes ages to put all the filters in there, would be much better to search the whole of Xero in one place!
Freya Pieroz commented
I often like to search for Contacts using the global search bar. Frequently, the Contact cannot be found - see screenshot for a particularly egregious example today, when I wanted to open this new contact to add the details that cannot be added when a new Contact is created as part of creating a purchase order, bill, invoice, spend money, or receive money.
Lindsay Greville commented
It would be helpful if the search function picked up what was in the body of a quotation. For example if an item which is only described in the body of the quote has been previously quoted but maybe a long time ago, you could search for that item rather than search line by line for all quotes raised for that customer
Janice Mcgrother commented
To have a much wider search field. At the moment the SEARCH function is only restricted to certain things. The ability to search for anything say like a word within an invoice or transaction would be brilliant. This is possible in other software I have used and is very, very useful. The search option is very restricted in Xero and will only search for certain fields.
Janie White commented
I am a book keeper so when I am entering invoices I like to check I am putting a particular item in the same nominal as the time before. So for example a farmer buying tags, in Sage & Quickbooks I can search that word and it will bring up a copy of that transaction and I can see where I have out it. I hope this makes sense. As a team we use the search bar in other products alot so this is very frustrating.