New Invoicing - Approve and view next in sequential order
In the classic invoicing, when I am approving my invoices draft then I click "Approve and view next", it goes in the next invoice subsequent number.
In the new invoicing version, when I click on "Approve and view next", it goes directly to the last invoice number instead of the next one. I have a lot of drafts to approve and it has to be in the right order.
For this reason, I stay with the classing invoicing. I might consider switching back to new invoicing if this issue can be resolve in the future.

Appreciate your feedback on how you use invoicing and the benefit you find in being able to approve and view the next invoice in sequential invoice number order. As we continue to plan further developments within this space, our product teams would like to engage you all here to get a better sense of our invoicing users for future improvements. We’d find your feedback invaluable and if you’d be interested in sharing with us, please fill in our survey here.
Katrina Carson commented
I am struggling with the new invoicing - approve and view next. We have a team of consultants that submit their invoices for approval. Then I sort and approve all combined invoices. They are alpha sorted as sometimes there are three invoices for the one client. The old approve and view next would bring me to the next invoice in my alpha list. Now it comes up with the same random invoice each time. It has tripled my time in this process as I now have to go approve and close and re open the invoice list again to get myself back to the next in my list. I agree with Nina below
Nina Blathwayt commented
I'm not sure Kelly Munro exactly understands the issue - the customer has found no benefit in the new invoice system! This is so frustrating - if I have left an invoice in "Awaiting Approval", every time I use Approve and Next, I return to the same invoice. I then have to return to the invoices tab and start again. This adds several extra steps EVERY time I try to approve an invoice. Very slow and cumbersome and definitely NOT an improvement for the end user.
Lorna Finucane commented
We are having the same issue with Approve and View Next. This came up when you tried to force New Invoicing on us before and it is still not working! There was nothing wrong with Classic and I really don't understand the benefit of this New Invoicing. There is also no option to just Save an invoice - so if you have a query on it and want to Save it into Drafts you can't. Or no Cancel option if you open it and want to close it down. Please open up Classic again, all our jobs are taking way longer than they should for Month End and it's so frustrating
Will Aldous commented
This is a right PIA - please deploy a fix asap.
I can't believe this got through UAT when so many users had pointed to this being an issue.
Invoicing today took me 3 times as long as usual due to this issue and the whole xero application running super slow all day...
Nina Blathwayt commented
I have also just been obliged to switch from Classic to New invoicing - this is extremely frustrating - I'm trying to approve invoices from 26 February but "Approve and view next" defaults to 28 February. This is a backwards step, NOT an improvement! The layout of the invoices is also less clear for the approver :(
Nigel Harper commented
I got notification this morning (25/02/25) that this was now implemented & working.
Sorry - it NOT!
New Invoicing: Approve & Next STILL working in Reverse Chronological Order.
Just use the Sort Order that the user selects in the Drafts Screen - that way were can each have the Order we NEED. -
Paula Crosbie commented
I cannot believe that this feature is on the classic invoicing system, but hasn't been transferred onto the new! Time is running out and it is going to be extremley annoying come the end of the month! .....
Jeanette Marston commented
I have asked about this many times. My boss complains daily that it keeps taking him back to the original invoice. Extremely annoying. Would also like to assign approval to different people ie different department's.
Stacey Anderson commented
It is vital this is fixed before Classic is retired next week!!
Fraser Gare commented
If this feature is not corrected I will be moving to a different accounting software
Tanja Maclachlan commented
When processing Draft Sales Invoices in the new system they don't appear in numerical order. When you have a lot to process it means going back to the main Invoice menu and back into Drafts to select the next one, or opening each one in a separate tab and working through them that way. I use the Classic version as this works correctly there.
Domen Camlek commented
As everyone else summarized, not sure why break something that works with something that doesn't. At least not from the user point of view. This needs to be fixed before classic invoicing is switched off. Show stopper for us.
Toni Ann North commented
Please fix this.
Approve and next should go to next, not first or last. It doesnt go to the next invoice when working in alphabetical order either.
Have to switch back to original version....but time is running out.
This is essential for our business, especially when we have 100 invoices in draft weekly. -
Mandy Palmer commented
Will this be fixed before the new Feb changeover? It is vital that this is actioned.
Lisa Quinn commented
Totally agree! Time is running out now on the Classic Invoicing and I'm dreading losing it completely as it will substantially add to the number of clicks it takes, therefore the time it takes, to get through a stack of drafts.
Steven Dawe commented
This issue has still not been resolved and is a nightmare for our team. As we once again batch import another month of sales invoices and bills we're faced with switching back to the classic version. This is a priority issue for a fix in our opinion. The deadline is approaching and still no solution. Please help us all remain efficient by addressing this asap.
Jen Adil Smith commented
Any idea why, when I "Approve and View Next", the account field is blank and has to be repopulated? A real pain when I'm wading through hundreds of invoices. It definitely isn't blank in the draft - I've checked.
This whole process is incredibly inefficient.
Kate Marsh commented
This is an absolute nightmare. Hard to believe it still hasn't been dealt with. It needs to be fixed asap. Or just bring back Classic - I'm not sure what improvement the new format is supposed to be offering but all it's doing is making my job harder.
Richard Campbell commented
As everyone has said for the last 18 months - please make it do what it should do (what it did before)
Laurie Black commented
Please fix this. Next means next. Next does not mean last. Working in chronological order matters to our business.