Dashboard | Account Watchlist - Change the order
On the dashboard, be able to reorder the accounts in the watchlist. At the moment they are shown by default in alphabetical order and can't be reordered.
Hi community, as much as we were amped to share that there was work begun to solve for the idea, unfortunately this has been pushed back for now while the team get through a few other developments that are taking priority. As soon as there's change or news to share around the Account Watchlist we'll update you on this, here.
John Aubusson commented
As a user, my preference would be to sort the watchlist by account code as that will group accounts by type & be the order familiar to most users.
Jane Denning commented
Desperately need this as and when it may be possible, to be able to see the expenditure next to the income for each area would make for quick and easy viewing of where we stand monthly.
Mark McGrory commented
Agree with request. Even if ordered in code number order would make more sense than alphabetical
Scott Wilson commented
Hi just joined this discussion regarding "watch List" change order.
Obvious really that the order can be sorted by account code because most business's have their codes sorted in numerical number dependant on type, eg sales grouped, overheads grouped, Cost of sales grouped etc.
Not sure why many other reports in xero are easy to sort differently when lists are shown. -
Ryan Wakeman commented
It would be ideal to order this based on the cost, for example, all Sales, COS, Overheads, Asset & liabilities. Plus adding headings if needed like on a report.
Michael Wyard commented
So basic, yet so crucial if this existing feature is to have any value at all
Sarah Percy commented
I need to be able to have in account order, so I can easily track key income together and key expenditure together. As it is the Watchlist is useless to me.
Jacob Miceli commented
Can you please prioritise this change? Manual ordering (plus group totals / headings would be fantastic). A relatively minor QOL change.
Martyn Bayley commented
being able to order by account code at least would be very useful, alphabetical makes the least sense for a quick glance.
Antoine Ollivier commented
I'd like the choice to be able to reorder them manually, by account code and alphabetically.
David Atkinson commented
Absolutely agree! I order the codes carefully so would like to at least be able to choose alphabetical or code order. Thanks