Fixed Assets - Allow Custom values in depreciation schedule e.g. 50%, 30%, 20%
Please update depreciation schedule to allow for custom percentages per year, for small business in SA it is allowed to depreciate 50% / 30% / 20% over three years but there is no viable way to implement currently.

Edmund Lodewijks commented
Let's hope that his will get picked up soon!
Wynand Schoeman commented
I have no idea how to change:) Might be best to create a new one
Edmund Lodewijks commented
Instead of allowing custom values for depreciation, it might be better to request the specific 3-year 50/30/20 depreciation schedule. That would be a LOT easier to implement than custom schedules. Could you please change the feature request? Otherwise I will start a new one, thinking that it would have a better chance of being accepted if it is more easily implementable. Thank you.
Edmund Lodewijks commented
Yes please, this is allowed by SARS (see section 4.2 of the attached document from SARS, referring to section 12E(1A) of the Tax Act of South Africa.
Anneke Du Plessis commented
For a lot of business in South Africa especially small business corporations (and farmers) which is the Xero market they qualify for the section 12B depreciation rates of 50/30/20% for three years. Therefor this must be a feature and option available on the Fixed asset register module. Please can you look to add this to Xero. Thank you.
Eytan Aginsky commented
Please update this issue on Xero,
it's important when I'm operating a business full of assets but I now have to individually depreciate them, this one one of the drawing cards to xero, the automatic depreciation
Paul Richardson commented
Please add this feature, as our depreciation schedules need to coincide with South Africa's tax collection agency (SARS).