Bank transactions - Ability to post payments without a contact
Require the ability to post net wages, loans, drawings without a contact. This information should not be accessible in the customer/supplier ledger/contact section.
Hi Charlotte, can you expand a little on your needs or use cases for your idea here?
A wage would generally be connected to an employee in payroll. Managing a loan is a little different and we have suggestion of how to do this in our help here, and when it comes to drawings and introducing cash to the business this would generally relate to a specific shareholder and would be recorded as Spend or receive monies, if you'd rather not specify the contact you may want to set up a generic contact that you could code these sort of transactions too.
Charlotte Rix commented
I don't like the idea of setting up fake supplier accounts to post payments too.
Bank Accounts should not be set up for Inter-Company Loans. It is a loan, not a imaginary bank account. We should be able to follow through as directed through our studies by a simple Dr Bank Cr Loan
The Bank should also be able to correct via journals if required
It creates unnecessary work.