Reporting | Current Financial Year by month - actual and budget
This report is great, I love it but we need to be able to customize it more. When you try and add columns it gives a message saying that you have to delete the total column first, then you need to manually add a total column which isn't the end of the world, but you can't select the the new total column in and of the formulas, like if I wanted to add the variance column (Which I would love to) but I can't.

Chrissy Angland commented
Xero your budgeting sucks. Like REALLY badly. Why only quarterly as the lowest comparison? GST is every two months so thats how lots of people report, but the option is not available in the drop down, also, why cant we budget on balance sheet items yet - that's ridiculous - and why cant we have the option to select which codes we want to budget on - mental. Get with it Xero - this is really, really, really bad form
Audrey Connelly commented
Hi I use a report monthly that needs to show Actual and Budget. Ie Actual to 31/5, than the rest of the year should be the budget. But cant figure out if even possible?
Sally Townsend commented
I would like a report that shows year to date by month where you could choose the end date and also the option as outlined above where you can choose to include budgets for the remaining month.
David Elsey commented
A report template for exactly this is available in
Oh, and if you're budgeting at tracking category level, we automatically consolidate tracking option budgets into an overall - so they will always tie!
Making updates is waaay faster too.
Start a free 15 day trial, or reach out for a personalised demo.
Cameron Tor commented
When creating report templates in Xero HQ it would be very useful to be able to include the Actual/Budget column. What we have to do now is very manual to adjust the number of actual vs budget columns in a 12 monthly report.
Currently it appears this column type is only in the budget variance report (eg Current financial year by month – actual and budget) and not available to the accountants who want to set up a custom report pack.
Ariel Mojena commented
Currently, Xero users when creating a budget - under the 'Actual Months' drop-down list have 'only 3 options' to choose from:
1. 3 months
2. 6 months; and
3. 12 months
If these months already exist, could Xero's product team add more months?My view is that this feature should be a simple programming / code to write. Xero has the feature - it simply has the ability - and opportunity - to improve upon it. And not direct its clients to use a 3rd party option.
I am simply asking for the ability to select from a wider range of actual months.
Ariel M -
Louise Lewis commented
This would be a helpful amendment
Lynn Sheppard commented
The Budget Variance report called Current financial year by month – actual and budget. I would like the option to be able to choose the actual period that I want to review and the remaining months to be the budget figures.
At the moment, the report is based upon system date and as soon as you enter data into the next month, that month becomes the actual figures eventhough incomplete. You cannot ignore the month unless you edit the budget report itself.
A big disappointment as the budget report does not do what it is called. It is 90% there but the remaining 10% does let it down.
So Xero, please do amend this budget format so we, the user, can opt for which ever period of actual v budget figures we want to see.
Gillian Jackson commented
Current financial year by month – actual and budget
Use this report but able to select which period the actuals stop and the budget starts, so you can run the report on a back dated range, or before the latest period was completed.I.e. Financial year is Jan-Dec. If I run the report in April, it shows Jan-March actuals and April-Dec budget. It would be good to be able to select the date where the actuals stop and budget starts, so you can run a report in April (for example) and select Jan and Feb actuals, and March-Dec Budget.