Customer Statement - View running balance
Can I please request that on all customer statements there is a running balance on the side, so that it's easy to add up?

HI team, appreciate not directly within the Customer statement at present and being open we don't have immediate change planned for adding this to the customer statement. However, for the time being you could look to run the Customer Invoice Activity report which has a few more options for the columns and detail shown.
Once you've set up as you like you could save as Custom to make this readily available in your org and export to share externally with a customer/client.
Sue Lumbard commented
It's about time this issue is addressed, there should be different options to choose when sending out statements, you should have the option for running total and then boxes showing current month, month 1, month 2 etc. Perhaps it would be easier to change accounting package.
Sheena Sinclair commented
I'd like to be able to print statements showing "outstanding" and with a running balance but under balance column I only get individual invoice amounts! I'd also like it to show the customer payments as the total payment, not all the individual invoices matched to it.
Elaine Hardy commented
I have a client who is requesting this functionality please.
Their customers have complained that this is not available on the statement.
Thank you.
Jackie da Silva commented
On the Outstanding Cust Statements, will be great for the Balance column to be cumulative row by row, instead of PER row. Eg, see attached, if the Cust wants to pay all the June Invoices - they will need to manually add up. What is the point of a Balance column, if it is the same as the Invoice column. Yes, I am aware that it shows a partial payment of an invoice, but then maybe keep the PER ROW balance, and ADD a column for the cumulative one. Thank you :)
Michelle Munday commented
Many of our customers are requesting a running balance on their Statements as they have 50+ monthly invoices on their account and need to easily add up the total bank payment to pay (to avoid error payments). They do not want to see their full activity, only all invoices outstanding with a running balance on the end column and as not invoices are due for payment. We are wasting valuable time going back and forth with customers checking and confirming a monthly balance they need to pay. Can Xero offer this function? We recently moved from Sage to Xero and this was a feature on all statements.
Tania Smith commented
Statement needed for 'Contact"
We really need to have statements for Contacts with a running balance. We use the same Contacts for bill payments and also for invoicing, and want to be able to send them a statement.
We use Xero for several entities and all 3 have this issue.
Please put this as a priority as it does not look professional sending the contact an account transaction listing - instead of an activity statement by Contact. -
Elaine Hardy commented
I have had a client requesting the same. It make it easier for the customer to establish the balanace on account at the end of a set period and for the client to establish what has been paid to them.