Bills | Export summary
Ability to export bills with one line per bill showing the Invoice Total rather than showing each line entered for each bill.

Hi Jenny and Michelle, you can run and export the Payable Invoice Summary report to get this information.
If this isn't suitable, could you explain bit more of what you'd like to use this information for? It may help in trying to find a solution that'll work for you both. Thanks
Jane Baker commented
I would like to be able to select multiple bills to pay per supplier and have a total per supplier show in the summary page, instead of all the invoices coming thru individually, so I can check the total against the supplier statements, to make sure I am paying the correct amount. There are often invoices which I am not paying at that time in the bills to be paid section, which I want to leave there for the next payment run.
Mayur Shah commented
Payable Invoices Export - need one without line items
I produce a list of payable invoices for approval. However this exports with all line items and then has to be manipulated in Excel/csv to show just the invoice total. Can a report be produced to show payable invoices (bills) to just show the toal of each invoice rather than individual lines? This is is critical as otherwise it is very time consuming to delete lines as some bills have multiple lines
Fiona Leaper commented
Hi Kelly, I just wanted to add a comment to this thread as I voted for Jenny's idea and your proposed solution isn't really suitable in my case.
I can't speak for Jenny and Michelle but I'm trying to export bills from the Awaiting Payment tab, and its because I need a current list of all bills that are awaiting payment. Essentially, I need the data from the Awaiting Payment tab (exactly as shown on the Awaiting Payment tab), in excel format.
Having reviewed the Payable Invoice Summary, I appreciate the same data can be exported by navigating to an entirely different report, applying numerous filters and then exporting, but its mind-bending that its not possible to export a usable list of unpaid bills from a tab called "Awaiting Payment".Further, and significantly, the fact that the Payable Invoice Summary requires a date range/filters gives the opportunity for errors to creep in and invoices to be missed. As such, I don't really see this as a suitable alternative.
Fiona -
Michelle Goodrich commented
Hi - how do you run this to show one line rather than each line?