Bills - Resize the PDF doc preview
The preview window that pops up when entering new bills is a bit small and you need to almost always zoom in on the pdf to read it.
It would be great to be able to resize the different page components to make things a bit more readible.

Sam Watts commented
Inability to read PDF makes this feature unusable. Please fix!
Babu Samanta commented
Does the development team think we have nothing better to do than resize every pdf attachment when we want to view it? Its very annoying as its difficult to see the small default pop up box.
Very disappointing that this hasn't been sorted out. -
Caroline Hodson commented
It would be great to be able to drag the vertical bar on the split screen with the PDF Bill preview to make the preview easier to read, I often don't need the right side Bill Entry Screen to be so wide.
Kris Milovsorov commented
Attachment previews are now tiny. With the pointless extra preview of other pages, it has shrunk the other main invoice preview and if you zoom in it is no longer wide enough. Even on my *very large screen* it is rendered pointless and the only way to read the info is to download. This is especially stupid on a single page document. Why would I want to know that the other sheets say? There aren't any. Please fix.
Neil Cameron commented
This is probably my biggest frustration with Xero, would prefer it to either open in a new screen or on the left hand side like it does at certain points.
Samantha Jensen commented
I completely agree! I can't even manage to zoom in on it anymore. I'd love to be able to resize the preview window!
Craig Bullen commented
From a workflow and user experience perspective having to manually resize to see a preview, every time, is a poor user experience and inefficient process that defeats the intended function of preview ie to see the document.
Xero should have stats on how often a preview window routine is called, assume a second or 2 to manually resize, how much time would that save the entire user community over a year? -
Paul Basham commented
hear hear!