Projects | Bills assigned to a Project - Filter and search options
Feedback - Projects: Reporting - Bills assigned to a Project
This is providing feedback on the new feature released in response to
Unfortunately, the issue has been closed for comments - which seems strange as this feature release is clearly a start and not the end of the road for this topic.
My feedback: Thanks for shipping this new feature. It is a good start, but only a start.
Most businesses have a large number of suppliers (& bills) that are overheads related and not project related. As such, these need to be omitted from the view to useful see the bills to be reviewed / assigned to projects. Key items for filtering in this regard are: (a) Contacts (certain contacts will non-project related always, (b) Filter by P&L account (only certain cost/expense accounts related to project work in many cases).
Add some of you standard components: (a) date range shortcuts - FY, quarter etc as per reports, (b) a general text search/filter.
Thanks Xero Team!

Thanks Daniel, and really appreciate your feedback in relation to the recent release and update of the idea you've linked - Feedback you share on our Status updates also get back to the teams involved so they've received your comments there too!
Not meaning to cut the curb the conversation, but we do sometimes need to make tough decisions of when to change the status of an idea.
It's great to get a fresh sense and understanding of interest in further improvements to this feature that our Projects product team can consider development for.
I've slightly amended the title of your idea to reflect the abilities to search and filter within this view and it's really good to have this detail from you of the specific fields and ways in which you'd make use of this change.
We'll begin feeling out the community interest on the idea here, and can keep you updated of any plans made 🙂
jon Allen commented
I agree with the need to filter - we post all project expenses to one account as we have hundreds of overhead and non project expenses - this view does not show the account and has no download or export feature. If adding a filter is a pain, a download with account numbers would help
William Wolfson commented
We desperately need this please.
Sophie Collister commented
It would be great to filter by 'job' in the bills not assigned section as well. Also the ability to export it to an excel file.
Freya Pieroz commented
For getting overheads out of the unassigned expenses report, I've adopted the workaround of having a Project called 'Overheads'. It's annoying AF to have to allocate each... separate... transaction... separately... but it gets them out of the report so I can see what I've actually missed allocating correctly.
Kelly Sutton commented
Hi Kelly,
It would be great if we could see the description line or able to preview the attached bill as at present I'm having to open each bill individually which is very time consuming.
Thanks -
jon Allen commented
Hi Kelly
I wish there had been some sort of user group associated with this. To echo Daniel's point this feature is difficult to use if you cannot filter - I have 1352 bills unallocated since Jan 1 but I am only interested in ones associated with a project, which in my case I post to P&L account 5000. There is no way to use this screen output to find these. There is no export and no filtering. It is great you, Xero, can identify which do not have a project reference but why restrict access by us to the information that allows you to fill this screen.
It was so great to see this update and so terribly down hearting that apparently users were not consulted to ensure a usable output is produced. we are all in the same boat we just want to make sure our General ledger agrees with our project analysis.
Daniel (OV) Harvey commented
Thanks Kelly, very much appreciated. My comment regarding the status is about engagement - the closed idea has been subscribed to by hundreds of people who receive updates and engage with the topic. Closing that idea to comments means that every individual person needs to spend time and effort to *re-engage* with a new set of topics (like this one). That seems to increase the friction for those users in terms of continued engagement with those already engaged users.