Contacts - Show the value of an allocated credit note and the bill/invoice it's allocated to
On the contacts page you can see the bills and the value, it will either appear with the value in the paid column or the due column unless it has been allocated against a credit. Any allocated credit notes and the invoices they have been allocated to appear as £0.00 in the paid and due column. Now as we have to allocate the credits in order to include them in a bulk payment (a completely pointless time consuming exercise still not addressed by XERO! but lets not get side tracked by another basic function missing) the fact the values are reduced to £0.00 makes it hard work when trying to check a statement etc. I know there are reports etc that can be run to show the transactions that are reported to a contact but I just want to be able to look at the contacts page. There either needs to be a 3rd column that shows the transaction value then have it either in the due or paid column or any allocated credit note and the relating bill / invoice needs to have the amount shown in the paid column and not £0.00
I wondered if it was a glitch with the new contacts page but apparently not - this has been done deliberately for some unknown reason.

Clair Chapman commented
Totally agree with the comments on this. A basic piece of info that doesn't show on the total bills page and surely isn't too difficult to add. All it needs to show is the credit value and then paid or allocated next to it
Erica Gerald commented
I 100% agree. Plus I'm getting angry vendors who think I'm short paying them when I print a check for an invoice and there is no indication I applied a credit or what that credit is. I have started manually writing the information on the check stub and doing the math. It's exceptionally difficult to view the credits applied to a payment as well since I have to click a link and can't just see it in the transaction. This makes me bonkers and is a huge slow-down. It's magnified as a problem in the times I forget in a batch that one vendor has this situation and I just mail out the checks and then get the angry email and late fee charge because Xero doesn't have the functionality of acknowledging credits and the credit memo in the paystub.
Gavin Williams commented
i'd go further than this it is just crazy. It's like whoever designed the screen has never actually used accounting software before. After the invoice number and the date it'd be the like third most important data point to display.
Janine Hutchinson commented
Totally agree with the above when a credit note has been allocated it doesn't show any value, you also cannot tell what is an invoice and what is a credit note as it only shows a transaction number.
The recent updates in Xero appear to have made the software worse not better. When things people are crying out for are not being addressed.
Freya Pieroz commented
It is... suboptimal... that I have to add up the total of the prepayments manually, or find a report that will show me the total only after several clicks.
As you can see from the screenshots I've attached, I can't even get the total my client has prepaid from the new bills page - I went looking when I realised I couldn't use the contact page to reconcile with the contact's statement! I need to reconcile this with the total that the entity they've prepaid (in this case, the tax office) says they've received and it's far, far too subject to typos and clerical errors!
Laura Price commented
It's time consuming having to click into each individual item to see the total. When they were listed on the front page it was easy to check a statement or accounts workings.