AU Payroll - Ability to set a default view for timesheet list
Currently when opening the TIMESHEETS page the order of the timesheets is very random (example attached).
The most common reason for visiting this page is to view and approved/reject timesheets so It'd be very helpful for us when we do open this page that the most recent timesheets awaiting approval are at the top.
Currently we have to click on the 'Last Edited' column header to get the most recent time sheets.
Can we please have this page DEFAULT set up to accommodate most recent date at the top (example attached).
Please join me in my campaign to have this view improved.
Thanks for your support.

Lorraine Radosavic commented
It would be a good time saving tool if the most recent timesheet is at the top of the list. Instead of having to click last edited and find the most recent. This seems like it would be a simple background fix from Xero so can we get this looked into as a quick fix please Xero?
Damien Rigter commented
When completing a timesheet approval, would be very very beneficial, that when you return to the timesheets screen (with all the timesheets there), that the filters remained and the sort order. Or set it, so that the timesheets are always in the same order as they appear when preparing the payrun. Having to constantly "Apply Filter" and the sort order after each timesheet is very time consuming, especially if you have a large number of timesheets to process.
Heather Palmer commented
It is extreamly annyong that xero default the timesheet history to the oldest and if you change it to the newest first it does not stay, Please Xero think of your users and how we work on your product you have done a major stuff up with the new invoicing system and enraged thousands of users who are very unhappy. I have used xero for over 6yrs and have put up with so many things that have been promised to be fixed/enhanced and nothing happens
Nublu Pool and Spa Care commented
At the moment, when we click into Timesheets, it always defaults to Status and it lists old employee timesheets first. I have to search timesheets frequently and it's much easier if I had recent employee timesheets appear first, rather than ones that are outdated or no longer employed. It's time consuming and frustrating re-sorting by clicking on Last Edited every time. I would like to see all the current timesheets first in the list.
Belinda Dillon commented
I too would like this function. It's VERY annoying and not to mention time consuming.
Heather McCabe commented
I too would love to have this feature sorted to the most recent timesheets at the top of the list - it's incredibly annoying and time consuming to constantly be resorting the list to show the most recent timesheets at the top of the list
olivia ross commented
There is no logical order to the default sort of the timesheets. I see some from 2019, I see some from 2022, its sorted by status, but the status isn't helpful. Just default sort it by date, newest first.
Thomas Hayes commented
This is a very frustrating default listing.
I see all my timesheets awaiting approval and then next in line are timesheets from when I first started Xero - years ago!! Who the heck cares about a timesheet from years ago?
Why is it top of the list instead of bottom? Forever wanting to check last timesheets for multiple staff and have to keep redoing the order on 'last edited' for every employee that I need to check.
I have come close to giving up on Xero numerous times just because of this annoying feature. For what should be a very small change on the back end - why is it seeming to be preferable for Xero to frustrate the living heck out of their customers? Yes, I get super frustrated every fortnight when I have to do timesheets. Mostly because it is simply faulty programming that could be easily fixed. I only have 24 staff (We are a computer support provider) and it irritates me. I cannot start to understand how people with 50+ staff must feel.
I'm guessing that by the time I reach 30 staff I will be moving to a different accounting platform just to avoid these needless frustrations. My time is valuable to me. Not to anyone else, but certainly to me!And, yes, a 'workaround' is to set the date field in the view for the last two fortnights (Not proposed by Xero staff when I have followed this default listing issue up), and yes I use that recently discovered workaround, but it is still extra hassle that is not required.
Please Xero, get this sorted.
It is basic common sense that recent timesheets are more likely to be looked at than ones from 2015!!! -
Heather Palmer commented
please default to the most recent timesheet, if I go and look for a timesheet the first time I go in there it defaults to the oldest one in 2016, it is a pain and I am sure you can default it to the MOST RECENT instead of the MOST OLDEST
Gail Buswell commented
I would prefer this also as currently I need to click on the menu option to re-sort after approving each timesheet, which is tedious and time consuming. With the current default, my latest timesheets are buried deep pages and pages down. I suggest having a Timesheet setting, where you can add your own default setting to sort them however you need, that way you are accommodating everyone's needs. But I do forsee the above latest period being the most popular.
David Hooper commented
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Please change it to have the most recent edited timesheets at the top, there is no reason anyone would want to see the oldest timesheets first, especially when they are all processed.
Janine Hockey commented
Please change it to have the most recent edited timesheets at the top, there is no reason anyone would want to see the oldest timesheets first, especially when they are all processed.
Tania Bogle commented
Please arrange it so when we click on timesheets, the ones on the top are the most latest period. Currently it is sorted by status, which makes "approved" on top therefore I see thousands from back in 2016 first. It takes a few seconds to resort to my preference, and happens every time I go back into the timesheet page.