New Invoicing - Option to edit 'Attention' field in customer address
In new invoicing, please revert the ability to edit the postal address 'attention' box, back to the same as classic invoicing. Property managers want the owner's name included in the invoice address, so for each invoice I produce, I need to change the person's name in the 'attention' box. Previously this could be done by clicking on 'edit address' within the invoice, but in new invoicing, I need to edit the address by going into 'contacts', 'edit ', 'addresses', 'edit address', 'update address', 'save'. Once this is done, the ability to email the new invoice disappears, and I have to pdf the invoice, find the address of the property agent, and send through normal emails. A one minute job now takes five minutes at least.

Hi everyone, thanks for continuing to tune into updates of the idea here. Taking feedback on board on information that's most helpful to our customers we've released improvements to the ‘Contact’ field within new invoicing.
We heard being able to edit and add the 'Attention to' for a contacts address was important, and we've now added this capability into the contact card so you can edit this in the billing or delivery address detail, on the fly.
Along with this; there's now a look up tool so you can easily search and select a contact's addresses, and we’ve added more lines to enter a contacts address if needed. We appreciate your engagement and letting us know what matters to you through product ideas.
Mercedes Ibbett commented
Hello what is the update on this? The new invoicing is going live at the end of the month and we still can't edit the attention to name?
Paula Finucane commented
Please can you re-install on the invoicing.
Edit address
This is what we need to see once approved. I have several Companies that have different people that I need to attention to & also the emails have to go to that person plus accounting.
The new invoicing is very time consuming & clunky.
Please keep the old 1 until all features are user friendly.
Regards Paula Finucane Allwest Building Approvals Pty Ltd
Chelsea Hesketh commented
HI All,
i just wanted to ask if there is any update on this? This is critical in the building sector when invoicing our Commercial Clients. I still have to revert back to classic invoicing to update this to the ensure we can issue our invoices to certain personnel.
Deirdre Kirk commented
Invoicing - great we can view the addresses now when creating invoices, but would be very helpful to see the attention line as well. We have multiple clients for the same business and multiple locations, and it is a challenge to make sure I have picked the correct one.
Jim Clark commented
The option to edit the "Attention" field is critical if we are to continue using Xero because our largest corporate clients require the invoice to be addressed for the attention of their clients.
I agree with a previous comment from Tracy How that, once approved, this should be saved on that invoice and not change every time a new invoice is raised as it does currently
Vic Cherikoff commented
I am seriously considering moving back to MYOB come June 30.
So many really stupid things with Xero. Business is tough enough without book keeping software being designed by idiots and foisted on the business community with the promise of something that is not an infernal frustration.
I'm here to tell them that it is.
George Hennessy commented
I have found sometimes that the contact person has changed and this should be easy to update right at the beginning when creating an invoice.
George Hennessy commented
Under the old Classic system, it was easy to add, delete or update the name of a contact person working at my client's business. This is now much harder to do and also the name does not appear when creating the invoice, only after printing or preview. Please re-instate easy access to a contact person./
Ken Leanfore commented
When is this going to happen? You posted this on 30 June and it's now 7 November.
Tracy How commented
Hi Kelly,
Can I ask will this change also amend the way it affects previous invoices that are raised? Currently whenever you amend a contact in the attention field this also changes every invoice previously raised to the 'new contact'.
The desired outcome would be that the invoices stay as they are once approved. -
Sharlene Winiata commented
Hello Team
Are you able to provide an update as to where this request is at.
Attention field is very critical for our business and would save a lot of time.
manyy thanks
Sharlene 04 471 2477 -
Daniel Chaw commented
New Invoicing - Option to edit 'Attention' field in customer address
Its the best if we can have a dropdown option to choose the customer name we added, if we couldn't change the customer contact easily, there is no point we add all different contacts in the same company under contact page.
Please resolve this asap as I find it very tedious that we have to spend a lot of time to change customer with current way.
Susan Gooley commented
I haven't been able to make the 'Attention' field come into new invoicing at all, even when I make sure it is in the contact, so I'm building the invoice in new, and then switching to old, add the attention person, even though they are in the contact and print the invoice from 'old' invoicing. Havne't found a quicker way yet.
Jo Bain commented
I have the same issues and am not keen on moving to the new version until this feature is available.
Wendy Sole commented
This is critical to us as we often have different executives responsible different jobs but within the same company at the same time.
I am not sure what other users think, but I do not like the invoicing system - it is making my job a lot slower. Even dragging and dropping in documents, you have to have it exactly in the correct space otherwise they won't load.
Ms. Jah commented
In new invoicing, please revert the ability to edit the postal address 'attention' box, back to the same as classic invoicing. The customer need the their name included in the invoice address, so for each invoice I produce, I need to change the person's name in the 'attention' box. Previously this could be done by clicking on 'edit address' within the invoice, but in new invoicing, I need to edit the address by going into 'contacts', 'edit ', 'addresses', 'edit address', 'update address', 'save'. Once this is done, the ability to email the new invoice disappears, and I have to pdf the invoice, find the address of the property agent, and send through normal emails. A one minute job now takes five minutes at least. Please let me know how to do in the new invoicing easier.
Sarah Jacobs commented
As comments are closed on the 'New Invoicing - Hide detailed summary on email' product idea, I will comment here instead.
I have unticked as per instructions, but now get a warning 'send without warning link?'
Please turn this off. If I am sending a pdf of the invoice, then I don't want to send a link.
1. Having to click 'send anyway' is an extra click that I don't want or need
2. Making users who receive invoices click on an invoice link and download a pdf is really annoying and, again, causes unnecessary clicks. -
Sarah Jacobs commented
Great, thanks for listening :)
Doug Smith commented
It would be very much appreciated if Team XERO would please pay some attention to this ongoing issue - an issue that seems to have been frustrating your client base for some months now. Thank you.
Sandra Ferreira commented
This is Critical Please.
Being able to Edit the "Attention to" section in the "Customer Address" when creating a new invoice for the same customer like the old version.
With the new invoicing - you have to go to Contacts to edit every time instead of being able to edit in the invoice you in.