New Invoicing - Show combined Account Code and Name
On the Edit page
Please can you display the combined chart of accounts account code with the CoA description in the account column as you do on in the classic view, rather than us needing to click on the description that shows in the column, so the account code then also shows.
We use three brands which use the same numbers for the same services but then add two alpha to show the brand: 200AA, 200BB, 200CC etc. and because of the display in the classic invoice edit view to help the double-checking before sending the invoice we check the brand coding matches as we use a branded tracking category (job no.) for our account reporting purposes and save having to fix any errors missed later on. In the CoA account description we have added the branding at the end of the description due to the code being viewable in the account code and this would mean we would need to edit all cost & income descriptions so the branding would show first.
As the screen display is for our accounting use, it would be preferable if you just made the cosmetic changes to everything outside the editable columns in the body of the invoice as trying to read all the critical accounting info that is combined in one line especially as we make use of the 2 tracking categories for our reporting so have 4 columns combined into one line with each split by dot so slow to check if everything is correct. A lot quicker and easier to read down the 10 columns.

Thanks for the screenshots and feedback here. We've made a lot of changes to new invoicing since first announcing the retirement of classic invoicing. You'll find you can now view both the Account code and Account Name in the Account column when editing your invoices.