Bills | NZ - Manually adjust GST for each line
Ability to edit GST line by line on bills in order to agree balances to supplier invoices (Due to rounding issues)

Heidi Fransen commented
Agree with all the comments. The ability to adjust GST would be very helpful!
Annadel Dela Cruz commented
So Xero well done
Lets just round out GST calculations on each line so if multiple lines are used it will mess up the end result, bravoYou need to make sure calculations are not rounded so this does not happen
Not very professional on Xero'"s behalf to ask the customer to "adjust" what is a simple calculation that should be coded correctly in the beginning.
and to know about it yet do nothing to fix it
Erica Hanlon commented
Yes, very unprofessional to have a customer tells us our invoice is wrong and then not be able to correct the invoice properly. They will not accept any rounding!
It's a basic that should not be an issue. -
Michelle Marlow commented
There should be an option to calculate GST either by line or subtotal.
Jonathan Gee commented
Issuing an invoice with the incorrect value of GST on it - it's not a very professional look for us or for Xero.
Steven Dartnall commented
Having customers tell us our GST calculation is wrong is a bit embarassing. it can be tidied up with a couple of adustment lines (one with no GST) but this looks terrible.
Tracy Henry commented
This is crucial. If I have more than 10 lines in my invoice I am greater than 10c out in the gst calculation due to rounding which is larger than the suggested rounding reconciliation value?? Looks very unprofessional
Melissa Johnson commented
Yes please. It's very annoying.
Jason Clements commented
Yes, please. Rounding errors caused by GST calculations are the bane of my billing