Email templates - Remove the organisation name
As you’ve found, right now it’s not possible to only show the organisations logo or to remove the organisation name from the email. This would help in customizing what is shown to recipients/clients.
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Hi team, the organisation name and logo shown on the invoice email is taken from the organisations details page. You can add your organisations logo on this page which will appear on emails sent from your organisation.
Jen Paul commented
Can this please be fixed before we are forced to switch from classic invoicing? It it critical that we have the organisation name removed from the invoice email. We operate under several different trading names and cannot have the wrong business name going out on our invoicing emails. PLEASE sort this out ASAP!
Owen Lampe commented
I like this idea myself.
I have a parent company with two divisions both with different trading names. It's unpleasant that i cant hide or change the Organisation name from one branding theme to another. -
Fiona Atkins commented
If it is a requirement to have the legal/trading name listed on the email template, can this be made much smaller and placed at the bottom so that it doesn't over power the logo of the correct business name that is being used?
Jamie Meyer commented
Hello Kelly,
In my case, I am aware of this and have the Legal/Trading Name in the Organisation Settings completed as per my legal obligations. However, for two reasons not being able to remove the Legal/Trading Name on an Invoice email is a problem;1. As I work internationally, I have more than one Trading Name and Clients do not need to see all of them, only the one relevant to them.
2. The Email Logo matches the Invoice Template that is being utilised which already states the Trading Name applicable.
When the preceding line is then the Legal/Trading Name this demonstrates more names than the logo entails.