UK Payroll - Leave Transactions report
A report that provides details of employees leave to be able to see the leave accruals and leave taken for the pay period.
This would help as an audit trail and when preparing a salary budget or during a salary review.

Ana Rodrigues commented
The report shows leave requests and leave totals, however the 'leave balances' would be very useful - we can enquire on leave balances so can that not be shown on the report as well?
Thank you -
Jo McGarvey commented
A leave balances report is crucial for the payroll function. I spend a huge amount of time exporting the data and creating my own report, this really does need to be a priority
Kerry Pepperell commented
A bit naughty you to start a new poll when this has already been widely supported elsewhere, and is well overdue, it doesn’t exactly make us feel like valued customers.
Hattie Lines commented
Whilst we appreciate you looking at this, it doesn't give us what we need. Everyone is crying out for a leave balance report. Surely with it being available in Auz , it can easily be added to UK ? Come on xero, you can do better!
Lois Bury commented
The Leave requests report, whilst a 'nice to have', is not what everyone needs! A leave balances report is much more crucial for the payroll function. We spend so much time exporting the data and creating our own report, this really does need to be a priority.
Shona Rankine commented
A report is urgently needed that shows opening balance, accrued leave, hours it is based on, holiday taken and end balance. It should be possible to "zero" the balance or overwrite it at year ends / end of holiday period. Having to keep making adjustments is hopeless. There is no record of the amount you have added or subtracted and, of course, no audit trails. If the person making the adjustments leaves the employment its an impossible situation for the new person. I maintain separate spreadsheets - approx 20 employees. Its time consuming but at least I can prove to an employee what they are due and what they have taken.
Vilija Blazeviciute commented
I don't understand why there is no balance on the annual leave report when all the information is already there. Just seems like half a job has been done. I thought this was meant to be the whole reason for this report so you can clearly see individual balances and all holidays taken.
Richard Kington commented
The report still urgently required needs to show how much holiday has been accrued and still to be taken, in hours, its value by individual and in total.
The report just provided that looks back at holiday taken does not address at all this long long long outstanding requirement.
Surely extracting this information must be a simple next step given the work just done.