Reconciliation - Manually mark as reconciled multiple items at a time
There are some cases where banks do not have feeds available and the items posted as received or paid from these banks must be reconciled on an individual basis which takes a lot of time!
We need a reconcile all or a tick box system down the left hand side to be speed this reconciliation process up. I have many clients with these manual banks and it's extremely time consuming marking everything individually as reconciled.
Hi team, this is already possible. However you'll need to enable the mark as reconciled option on the Account Transactions tab of the bank account. If you click on the '?' icon in the top right of the blue banner you'll see an option to switch this on. Once turned on you can check the lines you need and select the More option where you'll be able to bulk Mark as Reconciled or Unreconciled. 😊
Tamara Chapman commented
Advisors to be able to bulk reconcile bank transactions
You can bulk remove and redo by you the tick boxes, but you can't bulk reconcile
for example I have clients with factoring accounts that do not have bank feeds and I have to manually reconcile each item (time consuming)
Elizabeth Charman commented
Agree with this 100% PLEASE can you instigate mass reconciliations in Banking
Emelie Bankston commented
Yes please, I am converting all my clients from Sage50 to Xero and this is definitely one item that I miss having. Much quicker to do a bank rec with the ability to just click the boxes to show it has cleared.
EQ Administrator commented
There are users who prefer to manually mark their entries as Reconciled when doing EOM. At present, they have to be changed from unrec to Rec one at a time. Why not allow multiple enetries to be checked off? There is already a checkbox against the entry but it's not functional for this purpose. Even MYOB had this 25 years ago!!
AdminXero Team (Admin, Xero) commented
The ability to reconcile multiple manual bank entries without entering each individual transaction and selecting the 'reconcile transaction' function. Tick box selection and a generic 'reconcile transactions' button on 'Account Transactions page?