UK payroll - Turn off automatic journal posting for payroll
As the automatic journal for payroll is not able to be viewed before posting to accounts, we should have the option to turn off automatic journals. Currently, we have to post, then go back and do another journal to split out ER NI & Pension for different departments. This system is so unflexible.

Megan Sale commented
Also agree with this - the default payroll journal is so basic and so if it can not be edited, then at least put a function in to switch it off
Frances Croxford commented
Really, How difficult is this for Xero to do ? . I find this automatic posting so annoying. Like others we have to go back in reverse what Xero put in and then re submit a correct Journal. The other thing would be for us to be able to link each Pay item 2 tracking categories.
Samantha Gibson commented
Absolutely critical!! I reverse the automatic posting and then post my own journal as Xero is not flexible at all in being able to apply nominal codes to different parts of the payroll.
Jacqui Varley commented
yes defo a good idea - I have to do a manual journal each month to move Ers to a different account
David Padgham commented
Fully agree with all comments so far, There needs to be more flexibility as to which codes can be used. Perhaps have the ability at an employee level to set the analysis codes rather than at an organisation level. Or it could be done on a Working Pattern level, where you group employee's on the same pay period and same department into the same cost code
Steph Beeston-Clarke commented
100% agree. I work with Charities and every single one of them needs to split out salaries between the 2 tracking categories for Activity and Funding, and individual salary splits between different activities as well.
The ability to turn off posting the journal would really help so that only the manual journal needs to be posted. Of course, allowing it in the payroll functions would work, but just the ability to switch the journals off would be great for now.
Sarah MCCURRACH commented
After many conversations there is no way of reversing previous months journals!
Sarah MCCURRACH commented
I agree 100% with Grace Lee, XERO Payroll has doubled my work load because of its inability to allocate costs where i want them. I truly regret introducing XERO Payroll too. I have switched to Moneysoft's Payroll Manager which is brilliantly simple to use and when you are stuck you can ring up and speak to a real Person.
Farrukh Ansari commented
It's quite time confusing to fix auto journal each time. We have cost centres so salaries have to be allocated to cost centres therefore I have to manually split these. Same for NI employer and same for Pension employer
Deductions also contain cycle to work which has to be offset against cycle to work assets which means have to do by manual journal
It's good for some smaller businesses but not good to have AUTO POST JOURNAL feature in Xero. It should be OPTIONAL.
Ruth Phelps commented
Journal Entries, have the option to post the journal as either a bulk journal (which it currently is) or as individual transactions, so you can see a breakdown between each individual employee. This is will be useful if a client has medical benefit and needs to break this down between individual staff as they all pay different amounts.
Samantha Gibson commented
Why is the Payroll Journal not able to be customised before it is posted? We have employees in different departments so things like ER Pension & NI needs to be coded to different nominal codes. Expenses can also require different nominal codes or have VAT split out
Grace Lee commented
I agree 100%. Xero auto payroll journals bring me more works not less.
In our company's cases, some departments are allocated under COS and other departments are allocated under overheads in P&L.However, with current Xero payroll, we can't distinguish the expenses and liabilities by departments as per our finance reporting model.
Honestly, I regret introducing Xero payroll to our finance team currently. It's much more uncomfortable to use and the auto payroll journal is useless..
Did you find a way to reverse the auto journal by the way?
Karen Gascoigne commented
Allow facility to turn off payroll journals so they aren't automatically posted into the accounts.
Problem: Business which operates in departments and wants COS payroll journals and overhead journals. Unable to split out the NICS/PAYE through payroll, meaning the auto postings have to be reversed every month and new ones created to allow the split of costs into the P&L.
Ideal solution: Allow Xero payroll to split NICS/TAX/Pension costs into ledgers by departments which will negate the need to reverse the auto journals and create manual ones.