AU Payroll - Customise User Permissions
We need the ability to further customise User Permissions. For example, a company could have 3 bank accounts and one credit card, all of which need reconciling, but I want two employees to share responsibility. So, employee A can do two bank accounts, and Employee B can do 1 bank account, and one credit card, and each can only see what they are responsible for. Secondly, we should be able to set up a Finance Manager who has certain permissions again separate from all other options. For example we may have a Purchasing Officer with authority to purchase goods/services up to a value of $10k but anything over this limit does NOT allow them to approve the PO, the PO must be submitted to the Finance Manager to approve in Xero. Another issue two is certain roles need to be able to generate certain reports but not all...
There are so many problems with User settings in Xero...