AU Payroll - Select more than one employee when generating payroll reports
ability to select more than one employee when generating payroll reports, not just a single employee or All employees

Liz Menerey commented
I would find this helpful as well. Also I have 3 employee groups setup, Admin, Workshop & Apprentices. It would be helpful to be able to select more than one group at a time, currently you can choose ALL or each individual group, but i sometimes need to select two groups i.e workshop & apprentices. This would speed up my reporting time.
Freya Pieroz commented
It's possible to filter by employee group, which we do for things that require state-based information, or need to separate Directors/regular employees/apprentices, but you have to set the group individually for each employee and you can only have a very limited number of preset group types. That makes it useless when we're doing things like comparing employee earnings for similar roles (to ensure we're being fair with pay structure in practice as well as on paper).