Sub Clients for Invoicing
Many of our clients have multiple project specific groups, so that for a given client we might have "project A" and "project B" - individual projects for the client may have different payment terms, and will almost certainly have different specific email addresses that invoices need to go to - however they use the same entity.
We currently can't create a separate entity (as the invoice would then not be made out to the correct legal entity), and this means we then have to modify the addressee and payment details each time we invoice this client.
A few possibilities:
- add the ability to have a "team" underneath a client, which diverges from the standard client settings (with the ability to select a team as part of invoicing)
- add the ability to create invoice "project" settings - so that we can customise settings for a project, and then create invoices for a project rather than a client
- add the ability to separate the NAME of the client (legal name) from the XERO NAME (I believe this is the easiest option, just requires that the business the invoice addressed to comes from a field other than the name field so I can create duplicates for each project where we need them