Projects - Ability to edit time of users who have left
I use Projects as timesheets for my staff in my contracting business, and it has worked well for the past two years. I do not use Xero process staff wages, I use ACE Payroll.
After a staff member leaves, I delete them from Projects, as it costs me $7.50 per month per person, and when you have between 20-25 staff, it can get quite expensive.
Once I delete a staff member from Xero, I cannot change any of their time entries. The reason I need to do this is usually because they have allocated his/her time against the wrong project.
Would it be possible that after making a users inactive, as the administrator, I would still be able to correct errors to the times to ensure accurate cost analysis of the project.
Also sometimes we have staff members who return to our employment (after working at the skifields during winter), so to have the facility to make them active again, without having to go through the whole invite system, would be hugely beneficial.

Appreciate the detail in your idea here, Lynette. While we don't have immediate work planned for this , it'll be good to get a sense of the interest from others in the community and if there's any change planned we'll let you know through the idea here.