Allow choice of system-wide fonts
I often have difficulty reading numbers due to the font choices Xero have made. I would like my instances of Xero to use the fonts I have chosen in my computer's settings and/or the fonts chosen in my browser settings. I have tested by changing the fonts in the computer settings and refreshing, and by changing all the browser fonts and refreshing, so I am certain that Xero is not getting its font choices from the ones I have chosen as most Accessible for me.
The attached screenshots showing the problem are from the History section of a Spend Money; one is at 100% zoom and shows that 5 and 6 are extremely similar unless I am closer than 30cm to my screen, and the other is the same section but at 125% zoom and shows a similar problem with 0 9 and 6. The problem is most evident when Xero has chosen to bold the text, but I have found that when I am tired, a number of digits become less distinguishable even in unbolded text.