705 results found
Sales - Bulk add payments to non bank accounts
It would be useful to be able to pay invoices in bulk through a designated accounts (which is not a bank account) in the event for example of invoice financing.
Currently we need to go in each invoice and enter the payment details if this is not going through the bank account.
The approach could be similar to the batch payment on the "Bills to pay" side.
2 votesHi Alan, similar to batch payments in the bills side we have batch deposits in invoicing.
You could create a batch deposit to record payments in bulk. Providing payments have been enabled to the account, a non-bank account can be selected for the deposit.
New invoicing - View Item Code and Tracking columns on saved invoice
Unless I'm missing something, I can't seem to see the Item Code or Tracking Code fields on a saved invoice? They are there in Edit mode, but not when viewing a saved invoice? We don't need to include these columns on the invoice sent to clients, but do need to be able to see them for internal use without having to go into edit mode. Until we can do this, we won't be able to switch to the new invoicing.
5 votesHi team, apologies we haven't updated this idea sooner. Our product team made a change to the approved grid view a fem months ago, where now you'll see Item code and Tracking as separate columns once the invoice is approved to make it easier to review your information. We appreciate your feedback here and sharing through product ideas.
Bills - Separating tax amounts when entering bills
It would be nice if the tax rates show separate on the bills when entering them to know it is calculating properly. I understand we can see the tax broken out after we click approve, but it would be handy to see it before. It would also be nice if we could manually adjust the tax amounts.
1 voteHi Bailey, currently when you enter a bill, if there's more than one tax rate, a different tax total is shown for each tax rate underneath the Subtotal.
These totals are automatically updated live as you enter more lines on the bill - there's no need to save or approve the bill to see it.
If you're experiencing different behavior I'd recommend raising this with our specialists at Xero Support who can get a closer look in to see what's going on.
New Invoicing - Importing csv invoices
New Invoicing - Import invoices from csv file as can be done in Classic Invoicing screen
13 votesHi everyone, this is actually possible with no change between classic and new invoicing.
You can import new invoices through the Sales overview or Invoice page, and is done with the use of a CSV file. We have some steps you can follow across in Xero Central.
After uploading a file, one must select account and what it is (bill, invoice, expense, spend money)etc, before you see what it is. I should be able to open file, add all the details, while viewing the image/document
3 votesHi Tonya, it's currently possible to view a file you've uploaded to the library before having to add it to a transaction. Just click on the file name.
"Created by" for Invoices, Quotes & PO
"Created by" to be added to the filter in Invoices, Quotes & PO sections
1 voteIt's possible to see who created a transaction from the History & Notes section beneath the transaction.
Alternatively, you could also run the History & notes report, select the type of transactions you want to see and search for 'created' to view all documents created by users in the org.
New Invoicing - Ability to apply overpayment to invoices
Why do we have to switch back to classic to apply and over payment - This feature needs to be in the New Invoicing System. It creates a massive amount of clicking to get all the features needed.
39 votesHi everyone, we have now released this within new invoicing 🎉
You'll now see that when you apply a payment within new invoicing, if the amount entered exceeds the invoice total Xero will note this and offer the option to create an Overpayment.
Thank you to everyone that voted on this idea and shared the importance of this in your workflow.
Reporting - Option to include zero-balance accounts in the Trial Balance
The TB in Xero does not show lines that have a nil balance, however, you may need to drill down on a line that has a nil balance but may have have transactions (such as a control account). Could an option be added to the trial balance that would allow it to be displayed either with or without the nil balances?
33 votesHi community, we've just released the ability to show nil(zero) balance accounts in reports.
Along with the Trial Balance report, this selection is also available for the Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss (Income Statement), Statement of Cash Flows - Direct Method, Cash Summary, Movements in Equity, Blank report, and Report templates
You'll find you can turn this on as a toggle option from the More menu of the report itself, or there is a selection in Report preferences.
We appreciate you sharing your needs in this and joining in through Product Ideas.
AU Payroll - changes to Unit reporting on Payroll Activity Details
Very recent change to the Payroll Activity Details report, now Units capped at two decimal places, changed within the last fortnight.
This needs to revert to four decimal places, as that is what is allowed when entering your payroll. Why has this been changed as now, the Payroll Activity report is the only available report to use to check a payroll, is no longer of any use as it does not reflect the correct data entry.6 votesHi everyone, we appreciate your feedback here. Apologies we haven't updated sooner, as I can confirm that we made a change in July to the Payroll Activity Details report so it will now show 4 decimal places.
Resend an invoice
Resend a "Repeating Invoice"
A repeating invoice contained an error, which we have already corrected, but I don't see any way/opc to resend the email with the corrected rep invoice.What worked for me was switching to classic mode, where I was able to modify and resend that invoice.
I think it's important that you add those options to your new look before you change it, because they are necessary in my opinion.
2 votesHi Chris, you can resend an invoice that has been created from a repeating template by opening the invoice in the Awaiting Payment tab and clicking the 3 dots in the top right above the invoice where you'll see an option to Email.
New invoicing - Option to mark as sent when Print PDF
We have many suppliers that reject invoices if we send them direct from Xero. Hence we have to download a PDF copy and email it manually from our finance inbox. This process now takes 5 clicks as opposed to one click in classic invoicing. The new process is to click "Approve & Email", but then to exit this screen. Then move across the screen to the left top corner and check the box to mark it as "sent", then move all the way back to the right and click "Print PDF" and then wait for it to open in a…
12 votesHi community, today we released the ability to mark an invoice as sent when printing in new invoicing. Now, when you select to 'Print PDF' you'll receive a prompt to ask if you'd like to mark the invoice as sent - see in my image below. Thanks again for your engagement on this here 😊
Enable DKIM to reduce sent emails from being flagged as Spam or put in Quarantine
We are seeing more emails that are sent from within Xero being flagged as Spam or put in Quarantine, especially if the recipient is using Outlook 365.
Xero need to implement DKIM to reduce the number of false positives like this. It's very easy to implement and the benefits to Xero users would be enormous.
71 votesThanks all for you feedback on comments on this thread. We want to confirm that that DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is currently active for all Xero sending mail addresses used by the Xero platform and are regularly reviewed and updated. Since Xero handles the sending of emails from our platform there is nothing to be done from your side and can be assured that their is no risk to deliverability of emails as a result of the changes. Since there is no visibility of this change in the Xero UI we suggest those who still want further confirmation to review the Global DNS Propagation Checker which confirms that DKIM is enabled for all our regions. The best option if you're still finding mail sent from Xero isn't getting to a recipient or is landing in their spam or junk folders is to ask the customer to whitelist @xero.com and @post.xero.com… -
New Invoicing - highlight issue date when tabbing across
Old invoicing you used to select your "to" contact, then tab across to the date where the date would be highlighted so you could start typing a new date straight away. New invoicing no longer selects the date & takes longer if you want to manually type a date rather than having to use the mouse.
1 voteHi Shannon, we made some changes toward end of 2024 to improve the entry and selection of dates in new invoicing. Having just done a test I can see that when you tab from the To field it'll move across to the Issue date field with the date highlighted and you can easily start typing the date you need just like you've mentioned.
New Invoicing - Due Dates drop down add Tomorrow
In the new invoicing, invoice date, drop down has tomorrow as an option, but in the drop down for due date this is not an option and have to go in to manually select the date which is time consuming this is something we use for most of our invoices.
3 votesHi team, returning to the idea here we're going to shift this to delivered with the existing ability to enter the keyboard shortcut 'T+1' that'll auto select Tomorrows date in the Due Date field.
Invoicing - Due Date to default to invoice date.
Invoice and bill due dates to default to issue date.
As above. Basically when you enter the initial date of an invoice or a bill, the due date defaults to the date you have entered. This will save additional data entry if your dates are the same.
In the case of a franchise where Remits are sent via a supporting booking software, the invoice/bill due date is always the same as the issue date.
Please default the due date to the invoice date once selected. but still obviously give the option to change the due date to a user specified…
2 votesHi Adam, there are a couple of options here including the suggestion that Geoff's provided. 🙂
Right now, within Invoice Settings you can set a default for the Due Date, this could be based on the invoice issue date if you choose.
It's also possible to set a due date for an individual contact within their contact record.
New invoicing - Tab through date field
When you are entering in date ranges, you used to be able to press tab once and it would jump from the first date to the second date. Now it takes like 7-8 times. This is an inefficiency that seems to have only started a few days ago.
4 votesHi all, the team did make some changes to the tabbing of fields in new invoicing. You should find that when using Tab you only need to press this once to move from the Invoice Date to Due Date, then cross to Invoice #.
If you're not finding this behaviour, it'd be good if you could raise a case with our team of specialists so we can look into this further.
Bank Reconciliation - Show more statement lines per page
Ability to show more statement lines during reconciliation in one page.
Purpose: To save users time from scrolling and changing the page.
969 votesThanks again, everyone! I can now confirm we've officially released these changes to all users. 🤗
As a quick recap of what's been released - From the Reconcile page your bank account now shows up to 50 statement lines at once. There is also a search bar at the top of the page where you can enter details from your statement lines including; Payee, Reference, Description, Transaction type, Cheque No. and Analysis code. Within the search you have filters to help you narrow down the date range or amounts that you want to reconcile - For more insight on recent changes see our Blog.
We really appreciate your engagement of this over time and sharing with us through the Product Ideas site, here.
New Invoicing - Applying customer credit to invoice
In the new invoicing it is possible to add a customers credit onto their invoice from the bottom of the screen however the old version would have a pop up asking if you would like to apply the credit.
Can we change new invoicing so that it pops up asking for confirmation as this is easily missed.
7 votesHi everyone, as shared a little earlier here when you start entering an invoice for a customer that has credit you'll receive a notification in the bottom right.
Once you approve the invoice you'll receive a prompt to let you know that you have credit for the contact and would you like to apply it.
If you're not receiving this prompt this would be unexpected behaviour. We'd still like to help you with this, but it's best for our specialists at Xero Support to get more information 1-on-1 and investigate this with you. You can reach out to them through the Contact Xero Support option throughout Xero Central (bottom of the page).
US - W-9 request from contact page
Make W-9 request available from the contact page. Perhaps where financial details are manually entered. Why have to go over to the 1099 report?
6 votesHi everyone, we've released a new 'Tax Details' section for US customers in Contacts that allows you to request W-9s from a contact you've set up in Xero. From this section you'll also be able to see a contacts W-9 status and manually update this if needed.
We've also added additional fields for 'Name on the income tax return' (previously 'Legal name') and 'Business or disregarded entity name' in Contacts to match the 1099 W-9 Management space.
Thanks for sharing and staying updated with us here through product ideas.😊
New Invoicing - Invoice Contact Groups
Update new Invoicing to allow sending invoices to contact groups as you can in the classic invoicing. It's ridiculous that something so useful has been left behind in the switch to the new style. I need to be able to amend the invoices I send out based on the individual needs of the group. It saves so much time to be able to create a default set of drafts that I can amend rather than having to go to each individual and create an individual invoice within that group. Please guys, piull this across!
52 votesThanks for getting involved and sharing your interest for contact group invoicing, everyone. Our latest updated for new invoicing means you can now create a new invoice for a contact group! 😊
If you've still be using classic invoicing, switch to the new version first through the banner at the top, or link at the bottom of any invoice.
Next time, you create an invoice for a Contact group you'll be taken to enter the details for your group invoice, in new invoicing. We appreciate all your input and feedback through the idea here.
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