462 results found
XPM - Bulk Import of Recurring Jobs
The ability to bulk upload/import Recurring Jobs via .csv file, in the same way you can Bulk Import Jobs that are not recurring.
This allows for each row to have the copy/paste capacity for overlapping criteria and can be quickly created through a spreadsheet (which could stem from an Export of your client list to 'schedule' your job creation throughout the year).
One import for an entire client base would be considerably more streamlined and efficient.
55 votes -
Clients search - Business Name/Previous Entity Name Search Capability
It would be nice if the software could search by a entity's registered business names or previously know entity names and it bring up the current company file.
We are able to add previous names or business names to the custom fields under a company's profile, but unless you know all the names by memory it can be hard to match up clients when you receive correspondence address to the business name and no ABN is mentioned.
Currently when this occurs we have to either search ABN lookup or ASIC register and trying to get relevant information we can…
3 votes -
XPM - Replace Radio Buttons with Check Boxes
When preparing an invoice, it would be great if you could replace the radio buttons with check boxes within tasks and also be able to bulk update the Billable status on timesheet entries within a task to Yes, No or Future.
If you have a task with a lot of timesheet entries, and you only want to bill a few of them, it's very time consuming to have to select one by one to change the Billable status to Future.7 votes -
XPM - Edit Client Page Layout
Could we please get the ability to add columns to the client page in XPM? The ability to search or find at-a-glance the export code would save a lot of time.
9 votes -
XPM - Job Budgets easily seen under the Jobs tab
It would be great to see the budgets easily when we open the Jobs tab in XPM. This will help us have a quick glance at the budget for each job rather than opening each job in a new browser tab or generate a report.
28 votes -
In other finance systems you can very easily process an invoice directly to the prepayments nominal, and then build the prepayment schedule in as well on a second screen. Ie the period for it be prepaid, how much each month and to which P&L nominal.
Is there anyway that this can be introduced into Xero as an alternative to complicated Excel spreadsheets and journals
3 votes -
Practice Manager - 'Sticky Note' on client home page
To have a function that essentially works as a sticky note on the details page of the clients file. Although there is the notes function, it it easily lost within the multiple tabs, however if something was right there on the home screen for all to see it isn't as easily missed/ignored. It could be something simple like a staff member has been trying to get in touch with the client, or bringing attention to an address change, noting the preferred method for documents to be signed etc.
31 votes -
Percentage of Income with Decimals, but not expenses.
Xero allows us to choose whether or not we show decimals in an Income Statement. We believe showing 2-decimal places on revenue and expenses to be unnecessary, but feel it is VERY important to show 2-decimals on the % of revenue. It is better to show .04% than .00% and .05% than 1%. We would like to see Xero separate the option of decimals between numbers verses percentages so our clients can have a clear grasp on their performance.
1 vote -
XPM Job filters - Add custom fields to Job Manager
Would love to be able to add custom job fields onto the Job Manager dashboard and be able to create filters from them.
5 votes -
Practice Manager - Report on client bank details inc fields BSB, Account number, Account name.
Would be great to create a report in XPM that shows client bank details so we can identify clients that are missing bank details and need to be followed up. This would also avoid the issue with tax returns being lodged with no bank details recorded.
6 votes -
Practice Manager - Relationship Type
Can we please have a general Relationship Type option for relationships such as "family" or "associate"/ partners. This would be for general family relations like siblings, cousins, in-laws etc.
90 votes -
Xero Practice Manager (XPM) Remove yourself from a practice in
It would be ideal to have the ability to remove yourself from a practice in XPM. For example, if you are consulting to a firm and they aren't maintaining their staff list and removing access promptly when the contract is complete, you would be able to have more control over the security of a file and keeping your list of practices clean by being able to remove yourself from their practice.
7 votes -
Mark a contact as "Primary Contact" when uploading a CSV client import file in XPM
This would save having to manually assign after clients/contacts have been uploaded.
2 votes -
XPM: closing jobs
Not being able to close jobs that still have WIP attached.
3 votes -
Add documents to Management Reports from outside Xero
Management Reports: I would like to add reports created outside of Xero in my published Management Report packet that I send to clients. There should be a way to upload a PDF or excel document to the Management Report Packet from outside Xero
2 votes -
Practice Manager - Display Name for clients
It would be great if we could have the option of a display name as legal name for all entity types and not just individuals to help differentiate different entities with the same name. For example, we have a few trusts that share the same name but are completely separate entities belonging to different client groups and it can make it hard to tell those apart at a glance.
30 votes -
XPM (AU) - Automatic retrieval / daily scheduling of PLS report
Currently, retrieval of PLS Reports (EFT reconciliation report for client trust payments) relies on a manual Retrieval. It would be ideal if this report could be set to automatic retrieval.
5 votes -
XPM - Hubspot Integration
Xero Practice Manager integrated nicely with Hubspot for about 10 years. Quitely it's been killed off in 2024 for some reason.
XPM is a major practice management platform, and Hubspot is a major CRM. I don't know why Xero would kill off the integration. But as a practice we need to have the ability to easily market/email etc to our client database. Without an integration in 2025 this is crazy.
The development work would be minimal considering it was already working, and even working with the single client record.
So please turn the integration back on for your partners.
2 votes -
XPM | AU Payroll - Notifications when a pay run is paid
It would be really helpful to receive notifications when a client pays their payrun.
Especially for our large PAYG Withholding clients, where we send them an email of the tax withholding payable. As large PAYG Withholders only have a roughly a week to pay, an email notification would be a timer saver. As we wouldn't need to log in to check that the pay run has been paid.
2 votes -
XPM - Bulk delete jobs
I learned the hard way after bulk importing 1,700 jobs on the wrong template that you could not delete those imported jobs in bulk. I spent 4 hours individually opening each job from a report and deleting.
It would be great to use job manager to be able to select jobs (assuming they haven't got any time, costs or invoices associated with them) and delete.
6 votes
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