457 results found
XPM - Timesheets Quick Keyboard shortcuts
Per the attached screenshots, it would significantly increase efficiency to be able to use quick keyboard shortcuts when entering timesheets. Specifically the + and SAVE buttons, as almost everything else can be entered using the keyboard alone.
7 votes -
Practice Manager - Keep user signed in when moving between the 'Clients' & 'Jobs' tabs
We are finding staff are regularly being logged out of XPM when they move between the 'Clients' tab & the 'Jobs' tab. When this happens it asks staff to log back in, but we are finding it is taking them to random different areas of XPM instead of back to where they were. i.e Setting up a new organisation page, in the middle of a client file etc. This appears to be a basic functionality issue that needs to be fixed.
20 votes -
XPM - Connect Microsoft Outlook for client sync
I have just learned that XPM does not connect to Outlook and thus Client data is not synced. I thought this would be the most important information to sync with outlook, Afterall clients are who accountants communicate with most.
4 votes -
XPM - Comment field in Job Manager view
I love the new Job Manager view where you can hide or show columns as you need. I would LOVE a column for comments. For example say a job is waiting for a client to send a particular document I'd love to be able to add that in that view. Or maybe that field could show the latest note made in that job. It woudl save us having to click into the job to see what was holding it up.
46 votesHi community, thanks for your input in this idea. A comment field in Job Manager is something that our product team would like to explore, however there are other items that need their attention at this time.
For now, we'll move this back to submitted, and will update when there are any further changes to share on this with you all, here.
Practice Manager - Staff permissions for PLS/ELS Management only
XPM Staff permission - Practice Administration Permissions: You shouldnot have to give a staff member access to the full business setting menu to be able let them access the PLS/ELS reports. There should be a PLS/ELS Management only permission.
I want a staff member to be able to access the PLS/ELS reports without being able to access other staff member information or having access to all my practice setting.
13 votes -
Batch Payment detail field is too small
It's very known for all that the space for batch payment details is very tie.
We hope from XERO staff to expand this space at least five times. to enable us write down whatever we should fill.
Ramadan Abdu1 vote -
Job Manager - More Info on Dates
In Job Manager, please include the following dates to allow better management of workflow and practice objectives to better service clients:
- Job Received Date (from client) - make this editable, but history of changes is recorded and viewable.
- Job Start Date (when job was started on, or triggered, for recurring ones)
- Job STATE Due Date (for the specific Job States)
- Job FINAL Due Date (eg. based on deadlines or Practice's targets, eg. within 8-12 weeks of receiving the Job)
- Last Actioned Date (this can sit within the Comments/Notes column within Job Manager view, just as so many others have requested***).
2 votes -
XPM - Multi currency invoicing and reports
Improve multi currency capability of XPM.
Currently, XPM only caters for invoicing out in the base currency and so invoices are done out of Xero. When it compes to KPI reports out of XPM, the info is all wrong. Invoice amounts pull through in invoice currency and not base currency, where as time is calculated in the base currency, these are incorrectly picked up as over and unders. Since there is no way to see what currency the invoice is in, reports from XPM are quite useless and differ significantly to profit reported in Xero for entities that invoice in…
1 vote -
Workpapers - Ability to create confidential workpapers
Having the ability to create a separate set of work papers for the practice that is confidential and not visible to all users.
At the moment staff can see the practices private and confidential financial information.6 votes -
Practice Manager | GST period - More filters
I would like to be able to create a report of clients whose GST filing is due but there are not enough fields to filter them out. We can select 2 monthly but not select whether they are '2 monthly odd' or '2 monthly even' and we can select 6 monthly but not choose which 2 months of the yer their returns are due. It would be great if we didnt have to enter the same info twice by creating a custom field.
2 votes -
Practice - Ability to anonymize Staff login
My firm works with additional bookkeepers, and we do not want to have their business or personal emails displayed in our clients files.
Ideally, they would be behind the scenes and would just show our practice as connected.
Next best would be showing first name or first and last name, but no email address.
We can assign them an email address from our firm for a more professional appearance, but often their certifications follow their own business/personal email addresses.
3 votes -
XPM - Job financial summary
XPM job financial summary is available from the job screen and financial tab, under "print financial summary". As currently prepared the financial summary does not report actual invoices and total amount invoiced, in addition the report does not include the profitability measures for rate per hour and recovery percentage. This would be useful to have these calculated and presented at the top of the report.
5 votes -
Invoices: Manually export invoice to Xero after an export fail
The 'export invoice to Xero' manual option should be available to staff that have approve invoice permissions. When we have a 'Xero export failed' message and staff correct the error, they need to be able to push this across manually to Xero blue without requesting it from an administrator.
23 votes -
XPM - Sync contact groups to Xero
Sync clients grouped in Xero Green to Xero Blue. Currently groups can be created in Xero Green and Xero Blue independently but are not synced or linked. It would be efficient and helpful to sync the groupings we have created in Xero Green across to Xero Blue.
3 votes -
User Roles - Access to timesheets for managers in XPM
We need to improve permissions on XPM, I want to provide permission to my managers to their staff members timesheets. The only way I can do this is to give them access is by giving them Access Financial data which really is too high for what we require.
Only other way is to provide them with a report weekly...8 votes -
XPM - Today option in timesheets
In the timesheets window, a button which takes you back to todays timesheet.
I often have to scroll back, and prepare prior period timesheets, and so it would be handy to have a "today" button, which will automatically return you to the current days timesheet - rather than having to scroll forward (similar to handisoft practice manager).
6 votes -
XPM - Select Multiple Jobs to bulk change the job status
Could there be an extra column where you can tick multiple jobs so that the job status can be updated. Not only one job at a time.
39 votes -
ATOmate Fee For Service
It would be great if you can automate the ticking in of this 'ATOmate Fee For Service' (under client details) whenever 'Deduct fee from refund' is selected on the tax return currently in process. And if in the next financial year's tax return it is no longer fee from refund, 'ATOmate Fee For Service' will automatically be unticked.
1 vote -
Practice Manager - Reassign invoice to a different client or job
Ability to bulk re-allocate invoices to different jobs and or clients.
It would be great if you could easily re-allocate an invoice (or a cost / timesheet entry) to a different client or job. I have had cases where a clients name/entity type has changed and the recurring invoices have not been posted against the correct client in XPM (old client not new client, even though the invoice is issued under the new name in Xero). Or a client wants to be billed under different entities in a group but there is only one job so i would have to…3 votes -
XPM - Add payment services to invoices sent from XPM
It would be great to have the ability to add stripe payment options to invoices created and sent out of Xero Practice Manager.
1 vote
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