462 results found
Percentage of Income with Decimals, but not expenses.
Xero allows us to choose whether or not we show decimals in an Income Statement. We believe showing 2-decimal places on revenue and expenses to be unnecessary, but feel it is VERY important to show 2-decimals on the % of revenue. It is better to show .04% than .00% and .05% than 1%. We would like to see Xero separate the option of decimals between numbers verses percentages so our clients can have a clear grasp on their performance.
1 vote -
XPM Client Action Flags
Allow users to create Client Action Flags that show up on clients' main screen. This could be used for "Client is moving to another practice" or "No work until bill is paid" or whatever VITAL piece of information any staff member may need to know.
1 vote -
XPM - Place of Birth field
Place of birth, like Director ID, is a field that is important for any individual clients who are company officeholders. Rather than having to keep this record in an external software, ideally we would have all the information about a client in one place, and as such, would appreciate a "PLACE OF BIRTH" field somewhere in the client record to facilitate this.
4 votes -
Xero Practice Manager - XPM History / Audit Trail
Xero Practice Manager - XPM History / Audit Trail
Please consider having a history or audit trail for XPM like you have on Xero Accounting.
This way we can see what anything was created deleted or edited, by which staff member, and when this event happened.
This would be greatly helpful for problem solving and to keep staff accountable.7 votes -
XPM - Set priority for recurring jobs
Be able to set priority on recurring tasks. It's ridiculous having recurring jobs which you then have to set the priority every time it pops up, it makes setting the recurring job almost ridiculous.
1 vote -
XPM New Email from Job
If you send an email from the XPM Job it automatically adds the details as per the "name" field of the job as the subject in the email.
Please add the name of the client after the insertion of the "job name" field of the job in the subject.
If I do have a client with multiple entities, it can be confusing for the client as he does not know for which entity the mail is - he only sees the job number and the job description. If you look in history of your mails you can then also search…1 vote -
XPM - Collaboration to include All jobs option
Please add an option in collaboration to show active only or ALL jobs.
We sometimes receive mails after the job was completed(or billed) but then we must open the job to allocate any mails received.1 vote -
Mark a contact as "Primary Contact" when uploading a CSV client import file in XPM
This would save having to manually assign after clients/contacts have been uploaded.
2 votes -
Clients search - Business Name/Previous Entity Name Search Capability
It would be nice if the software could search by a entity's registered business names or previously know entity names and it bring up the current company file.
We are able to add previous names or business names to the custom fields under a company's profile, but unless you know all the names by memory it can be hard to match up clients when you receive correspondence address to the business name and no ABN is mentioned.
Currently when this occurs we have to either search ABN lookup or ASIC register and trying to get relevant information we can…
3 votes -
XPM - Job notifications to display on dashboard.
It would be beneficial if notifications were displayed on the job dashboard in XPM, specifically for each individual job.
1 vote -
XPM - Hubspot Integration
Xero Practice Manager integrated nicely with Hubspot for about 10 years. Quitely it's been killed off in 2024 for some reason.
XPM is a major practice management platform, and Hubspot is a major CRM. I don't know why Xero would kill off the integration. But as a practice we need to have the ability to easily market/email etc to our client database. Without an integration in 2025 this is crazy.
The development work would be minimal considering it was already working, and even working with the single client record.
So please turn the integration back on for your partners.
2 votes -
Practice Manager - Add new WIP to an existing invoice
In other accounting management software, you can allocate WIP to a previously posted invoice. This is a really handy feature which prevents WIP being written off if a job has already been invoiced and no further invoices will be raised.
It helps with budgeting and KPI's (preventing WIP writeoff).
There are enough times when it has been needed, e.g. after a job has been completed and invoiced, and new information comes to light requiring a re-work.5 votes -
Practice Manager - Update capacity settings to allow for 9-day fortnight
Add option for second week under XPM capacity settings to allow for 9-day fortnight. With the current setup only allowing for one week, this impacts the staff KPI reporting rendering it bascially a useless feature.
3 votes -
Recurring jobs search
The recurring job search is sensitive to macrons etc so clients are not showing up when you search. This is unlike the client search which picks up the client whether there are macrons or not.
2 votes -
XPM- Recurring jobs
Recurring jobs - add or change tasks & costs for each recurring job
2 votes -
XPM - Client WIP view
When reviewing WIP for a client you can't see the title of each job without clicking in to it. Could we please make the job column wider so we can see what the job is without opening it.
8 votes -
GST filing frequency
Can you please add the GST filing frequency as a field to filter on when creating or building reports relating to GST.
This is currently not an option to enter when adding a new client, would be great if you could though.
2 votes -
Add documents to Management Reports from outside Xero
Management Reports: I would like to add reports created outside of Xero in my published Management Report packet that I send to clients. There should be a way to upload a PDF or excel document to the Management Report Packet from outside Xero
2 votes -
1 vote
NZ Tax - Tax Payments (Notices) generated for Working for Families
Product Enhancement idea: have the ability to generate notices (Tax Payment letters) for clients who have been overpaid WFFTC and need to repay the IRD.
36 votes
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