Hubdoc App - Ability to upload multi page documents
Upload multiple page documents as one through Hubdoc mobile app.
Purpose: Ease of use - Upload multiple pages using one device without having to send and upload through desktop.

Angela Kidd commented
Would be great if the app worked more like the desktop version. I find it useless at the moment and just upload PDFs on the computer instead (that I've saved using the dropbox 'scan to PDF' camera feature & drop into Hubdoc).
Terry Lavelle commented
Yes, please.
And while we're at it, could we add documents from Hubdoc to an existing document in Xero (or select multiple docs for one transaction)?
If a client uploads an invoice it creates a document. If there is supporting documentation or a receipt, Hubdoc wants to create a new document every time.
And before I get off my soap box, what's the idea of the Document Type field? Does it make any difference what is selected?
I like Hubdoc, but there is precious little guidance on how to use it and I've seen no innovation in the last few years that I've been using it. I couldn't understand why people would pay for Dext when Hubdoc is free, but it is becoming much more obvious. -
Terry-Anne McPhail commented
Every business would have documents each month with multiple pages. Landline phone bill, mobile phone bill, bank statements, purchases. This needs to be added as a feature in Hubdoc.
Andrea Forte commented
Yes please!!! I would like to be able to upload documents with multiple pages from the app!! (1 document with multiple pages combined into 1 document)
The app is the only way my clients upload things, including bank statements. They have more than 1 page, and I have to download it all and combine the pages... such a pain! -
Aileen Pennington commented
I think Xero misunderstood the assignment. You can now upload multiple individual invoices but still not an individual multiple page invoice.
HRBK Strategies commented
I can't believe that uploading a multi-page document as one item using the mobile app isn't possible. Users should be able to select "multi-page document" and take multiple pictures that all merge into one document. This is very standard. Some very basic scanner apps have this feature.
Andrew Webb commented
Come on Guys, spend less on TV ads and put some resources into sorting out this basic UX fail.
Yuliya Hansen commented
Most of the invoices are multi pages! We need that feature.
Tanya Thornley commented
Without this - I'm finding it difficult to use Hubdoc as so many of our invoices are multi page.
Phillip Mikula commented
How about making this happen!!! been on the board for 4 years
Cynthia Lambert commented
This is absolutely a must-have. I'm quite surprised this isn't a standard feature already.
Terry-Anne McPhail commented
Why is this not a standard feature?
Molly Bong commented
Uploading multipage receipts/documents in Hubdoc app would save a lot of time. Please look into this request.
Sarah Collins commented
I have clients asking all the time for this feature. Would be extremely useful.
Ben Hicks commented
The one difference between Dext and Hubdoc, that the Hubdoc app is unable to upload an item with multiple pages as 1 singular item. Get this sorted and Hubdoc covers all the basics.
Rosalynn Campbell commented
This is a major flaw with the hubdoc app. My clients find it unbelievable that they cannot upload a multipage document into hubdoc using the app. This is such a simple feature to fix. I cannot believe this request was raised in 2020 and it still has not been upgraded.
Ann Stockton commented
When you use the Hubdoc app, it shows a way to upload multiple pages, however, when you get to the Hubdoc application online, you can only see the first page. Kinda pointless to have the feature available and then for it not to work on the other side. Please fix this!
Carl Ford commented
This is probably the biggest downside of HubDoc v Dext. Multi page documents are so common in business
Platypus Billing commented
I see this was first raised in 2020 ..... no intention of making this feature available?
Major flaw!