Practice Manager | Clients - Date of death field for client details
Date of death field to add in to client details would be helpful

Rebecca Walsh commented
Relevant and should be included as a matter of some importance to Tax Returns and reference for all Team Members
Kath Elston commented
Can you please organise to include this under date of birth field.
Babs Bright commented
I agree
Jocelyn Tamai commented
I agree! Would really love to have this as a standard field right under DOB, rather than having to create a custom field. We shouldn't have to go hunting for the DOD when it can just be added to the sidebar with the other contact details.
Riki Blake commented
Date of death field, will this be added to client records at any time soon? this should be a standard field in the tax practice manager software.
Tracey Robinson commented
So important as a standard field and right next to date of birth.
Michelle Kinscher commented
Should be a standard field and under/next to date of birth!
Jacqui Turner commented
Very important that we have relevant information on our clients, that goes for DOD
Tim Gay commented
Vital to ITR prep.
Sally Quayle commented
relevant and should be a standard field
Sheree Allen commented
Date of death field is a very relevant field and should be listed as a standard field
Tara Sharp commented
"Date of Death" should be an option under "Contact Details" so listed in main area and to avoid adding this this information to another area such as "Fax" and avoid adding a custom field which would be located further down under client profile.
Sharon Klabikowski commented
it is very important that we have updated information on our clients that goes for DOB & DOD
Eleanor Campbell commented
We would love this feature. It saves time hunting for this information elsewhere or writing it into a field that should be used for other information.
Anne-Maree Crosby commented
We also have a custom field but agree it would be better as a standard field & show on home page if filled in.
Naomi Williams commented
yes please!!
Yasmin Hardy commented
It came up today in our office!
Amanda Jarvis commented
This came up again today in our office
Sallyanne Smith commented
As Chris Schwartz mentioned below, we also added this field in custom fields
Lyn Buckby commented
It would be very helpful to have a date of death on the main screen preferably underneath the date of birth.