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13 results found
432 votes
Thanks to everyone that participated in and shared back on the team’s research in the new invoicing layout. Taking your feedback on board our teams have made some improvements to the layout of new invoicing, including changes to the layout of fields and buttons.
By rearranging and condensing space between fields, you’ll find there is less white space than previously shown, making it easier to navigate and tab through fields when entering your invoices.We’re actively looking into changes within the invoicing grid that’ll go further to condensing information on the screen and reducing actions when entering your invoices. We’ll update as there is more information to share on this.
Simon Richardson supported this idea ·
395 votes
Appreciate your feedback on how you'd like to see new invoicing improved to create more efficiency processing sales with Xero. There are a couple of different requests around defaults looped into this one idea that would be good to unpick and keep separate so we can keep you updated on any progress for each individually.
For interest around being able to set a default for the 'Approve and Send' button - There's an idea that's been started for this here that I'd recommend joining.
Kathy, your recent comment sounds more like the ability to be able to send invoices to a contact group with new invoicing - we totally get the interest in this too and have an idea for this here that you can follow.
Taking on board feedback we have made a change with the new send experience so now, selections for 'Include PDF of invoice' and 'Send…An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Simon Richardson commented
i need to manually send a pdf copy to some clients every time - even though xero sends a copy direct to their accounting package at head office.
They will not pay unless they get a copy of the pdf emailed manually to the local office-Simon Richardson supported this idea ·
18 votes
Simon Richardson supported this idea ·
384 votes
Hi community, we’ve just released some new keyboard shortcuts to new invoicing, that cut down the number of mouse clicks and help you perform actions on your invoice with some simple keyboard entry options.
There’s a range of different shortcuts that you can explore, and in particular a few that I wanted to call out for ‘Approve’ options that I know will be of most interest to you, here;
- Approve (Ctrl-Alt-A OR Cmd-Opt-A on a Mac)
- Approve & add another (Ctrl-Alt-O OR Cmd-Opt-O on a Mac)
- Approve & print PDF (Ctrl-Alt-R OR Cmd-Opt-R on a Mac)
- Approve & email / send eInvoice (Ctrl-Alt-E OR Cmd-Opt-E on a Mac)
While you get used to the combinations of shortcuts our product team have added small prompts to highlight these in the product, and if you’d like to view the full list of options you can see them all on Xero Central.
Simon Richardson supported this idea ·
474 votes
Hi everyone, to keep you updated on this idea work in this space will provide the ability to add a new blank row to your invoice one at a time. Once added you'll also have the ability to drag and drop the row to where you'd like it placed in your invoice, which we know some customers use to help format their invoices and space lines out.
I appreciate that some customers have mentioned wanting to add multiple blank rows at once, and want to be open that this isn't planned with this release.
Being under development atm, we plan to have this to you all before classic invoicing is retired and I'll be back as soon as it's out to let you know, here.
Simon Richardson supported this idea ·
New Invoicing - Allow Item and Description-only lines, with no Qty or Unit Price
241111 New Invoicing 2025-031 Draft Invoice Copy.jpg 124 KB -
241111 New Invoicing 2025-031 Data Entry Draft Invoice.jpg 137 KB -
241111 Classic Invoicing 2024-136 Invoice Copy.jpg 99 KB -
241111 Classic Invoicing 2024-136 Data Entry Invoice.jpg 129 KB -
Screenshot 2024-06-18 142006.jpg 97 KB -
Screenshot 2024-01-31 144249.png 23 KB -
Invoice INV-DJM2756.pdf 90 KB -
Invoice INV-DJM2754.pdf 92 KB -
Invoice INV-DJM2737.pdf 94 KB
478 votesThanks for all your feedback here, everyone. The way you add description only lines in new invoicing is a little different to classic and we wanted to explain in hopes it'll help with how you're using new invoicing.
When entering a description only line, you can enter text in the description field of the line. If you add detail to any other field the line will be treated as a 'financial' line and you will need to include Qty, Unit price, Account and Tax rate.
When an inventory item is added this uses the item code field and the line is treated as 'financial', so it's not possible to use inventory items as description only lines in new invoicing atm.
We appreciate this is how many of you here have been making use of inventory and our product team are closely monitoring the feedback we're getting on this. Though we don't…Simon Richardson supported this idea ·
13 votes
129 votes
37 votes
Hey everyone, just a quick update on this one, as it was shifted to delivered in error.
Whilst we have refreshed the VAT dashboard widget with a new look, it does not display your current VAT liability - apologies for the confusion.
We’ll be opening this idea back up to votes and feedback from the community.
As the team have confirmed this is one they’re exploring, we’ll pop it in ‘working on it’ for now.
30 votes
Simon Richardson shared this idea ·
2 votes
Simon Richardson shared this idea ·
36 votes
Hi community 👋
Thanks for sharing and supporting this idea - while I don't have an update specific to this idea, I thought you might be interested in the following:
Our AU Payroll team are testing some changes to Payroll reconciliation. The idea to create an AU payroll reporting pack is highly associated with payroll reconciliation and we feel that voters here would also have an interest in payroll reconciliation. They would love to hear from you!
They’re aiming to conduct some 1 on 1 interviews between 6 Feb - 16 Feb 2024, the interviews will last 45 minutes.
The purpose of the session: Participants will be asked to help with testing a prototype concept designed to enhance the AU payroll reconciliation process.
They aim to discover:
- Whether this conceptual solution meets your specific Payroll needs, and if it adds value to your Payroll reconciliation process?
- Whether this conceptual solution…
41 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Simon Richardson commented
handy to show liability on dashboard too
New Invoicing - default checkboxes - attach pdf and email me a copy -
apparently this has been solved already (see other thread), but I still find i have to go and re-tick the checkboxes every time - please can these default back to whatever the last setting was for that client, when copying an invoice, like classic invoicing?