Settings and activity
5 results found
42 votes
John Britton supported this idea ·
171 votes
Hi community, appreciate your feedback on the new GST return and detail of how the Publish feature is useful to you. While we don't have immediate plans for developing this in the new return, this is something we're monitoring and will consider as a future improvement. If there is any change around this we'll share this with you all through the idea here.
John Britton supported this idea ·
485 votes
Hi community, sometime on since my last post we wanted to provide an update for your all here and appreciate the continued attention this idea is receiving.
We want to be upfront that at this time focuses for the team are in other areas of bank reconciliation and we don't have any current plans for developing the ability to import and export bank rules from an organisation.
We understand and know this is important to everyone that has voted for the idea and will continue to review and pay close attention to the feedback and votes here. When there is more opportunity for the team to refocus efforts here we will keep you informed of any progress.
John Britton supported this idea ·
42 votes
Hi everyone, we've just released a change so if you're a part of a Xero practice you'll now see we've added a new ‘Report code’ column to the Chart of Accounts page, that displays the report code and report code name. This should help save you time, and easily review report codes before running report templates.
An error occurred while saving the comment John Britton supported this idea ·
16 votes
John Britton shared this idea ·
There should be an option to select the report code when you create a new chart of account code. This would save us from having to go the report codes screen every time after adding a new chart of account. This would save a lot of time moving around in Xero if we could do this in one area. I think the report code option could be easily fit somewhere on the attached page.