Settings and activity
10 results found
13 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Danietta Janse van Noordwyk commented
When I asked about keeping my history on Reporting side on Stripe they responded with:
I appreciate you reaching out, and I understand the importance of preserving your payment history when migrating to a new platform account.
Yes, it's possible to retain your payment history even after migrating. You can access your payment history through the Stripe Dashboard and API, although it's crucial to note that Stripe doesn't automatically export your account's payment history. Instead, you can utilize the API or Dashboard to retrieve this information.
To maintain payment history during the migration, you'll need to handle the data migration process and recreate settings in the new Stripe account. Here are the steps to guide you:
"Request a PAN data import from your current processor, transferring customer payment details to Stripe. Subscriptions need to be recreated separately.
Notify Stripe once the data transfer is initiated to import customer payment details.
Remap Customer records on your end after the migration using the provided import mapping file.
Recreate settings in your new Stripe account, ensuring consistency with the previous account, including team members, API keys, subscription settings, bank accounts, payout settings, webhooks, applications, and email notifications.
By following these steps, you can successfully migrate your payment history to the new platform account, facilitating a seamless transition.
In the meantime, if you have any additional questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact me. I'm here to help."An error occurred while saving the comment Danietta Janse van Noordwyk commented
This is the feedback I received from Stripe:
"Thanks for circling back. I totally understand the importance of being notified of any changes on our account as it can affect one's business.
Checking here, your account was created from acct_16iRPsCv6deoJBoz, where both your new and old accounts are being managed by a platform (Xero).
Having said that and to answer your question as to why you weren't notified, it should actually be your Platform who should inform you of any changes and its migration process.
As to what date you need to do this migration - from Stripe's perspective, there is no certain due date. You can still do data migration from 2 different Stripe accounts, so long as the old account is active.
It would best to reach out to your Platform first, since they're the ones who managed the creation of your old and new accounts. For your convenience, I am providing you with their contact details below:
Support email:
If there are some things they cannot address regarding the migration of your accounts, please have them reach out to us so we can provide them with the appropriate solution.
I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns - I want to make sure you're all set.
Mary"Danietta Janse van Noordwyk supported this idea ·
16 votes
Hi everyone,
Reiterating what Kelly Munro shared previously, if you're using multi-currency in Xero, invoices issued to a contact in a foreign currency will be shown in the currency it was issued - example attached.
I see there's been new voters over the last couple of months and was hoping some of you could add a comment to describe more specifically what you're looking for, if the example above is not suitable. Let me know if it is though!
For example, do you want to see the ability to show the Customer Statement in a single foreign currency only?
Danietta Janse van Noordwyk supported this idea ·
87 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Danietta Janse van Noordwyk commented
Do we need to look at alternative accounting packages or is Xero going to resolve these issues?
Danietta Janse van Noordwyk supported this idea ·
223 votes
Danietta Janse van Noordwyk supported this idea ·
328 votes
Hi community, first off thank you for contributing and detailing why posting manual journals in a foreign currency is of interest to you all.
We appreciate our customers would like to see more capability in accounting for and dealing in foreign currencies across Xero.
In it's current form Manual Journals are a part of Xero that require some upgrade to uplift technology in order to provide capability for ideas like this to be considered. We have intentions of bringing attention to this over the coming year, however getting this done first is necessary before we can even think about adding newer functionality like journaling in another currency to the mix.
To set the expectation here, there is no work planned over 2023 for this feature. We know it's of high interest and when we're in a place to reassess we will share with you here.
Danietta Janse van Noordwyk supported this idea ·
144 votes
Hello everyone, appreciate all your feedback here. To be upfront, we don’t have any plans to develop the ability to reconcile clearing, control and non-bank accounts in the near future.
Some of the technology improvements going on across Xero will create more opportunities for us to explore extending some of the more complex functionality from one part of Xero to another. However, we are some way off from this yet.
That being said, there is the Account transaction report that could be handy in providing a view of both sides of a transaction in Xero. You can include the related account as a column in the report - See more in our help article on this.
Alternatively, if you’re using an external system, you could look into the Xero App store.
Appreciate there are also lots of ways others are using Xero’s to fit their needs - If you…
Danietta Janse van Noordwyk supported this idea ·
654 votes
Hi community, first off thank you for the continued interest and feedback surrounding this idea. We’re continuing to build on the bank reconciliation experience in Xero and recognise the ways this feature will help improve the efficiency, flexibility and transparency of transactions in your business. Our team have done a lot of exploration into being able to surface and match Credit Notes when reconciling your bank account in Xero, and this is now in development.
We’ll shift the idea here into ‘Working on it’ and continue to update as there’s more detail of this to share.
Danietta Janse van Noordwyk supported this idea ·
681 votes
Hi community, we appreciate this idea has collected a fair amount of votes and commentary. This has all been feedback and taken seriously by our product teams.
Currently, there are ways to record a bad debt in Xero, depending on your tax registration status and how you want the transactions to be recorded in your reports - We have help for this on Xero Central you can draw into.
We don’t have any plans in the near term to expand functionality to develop a button to write off invoices or bills as 'bad debt'. If anything changes in this space, we’ll update you on this idea!
Danietta Janse van Noordwyk supported this idea ·
381 votes
Danietta Janse van Noordwyk supported this idea ·
7 votes
Hi Dan, you can already run the new Profit & Loss in a foreign currency your org is using, as well as run on a cash basis. If you often find yourself wanting to run reports on a cash basis - we recently released Reporting preferences where you could set this as a default. 🙂
We'll keep tracking the interest around viewing the Statement of cashflow in a foreign currency and let you know if there's any plans made for this, here.
Danietta Janse van Noordwyk supported this idea ·
I dont have the time or inclination to have to go and recreate my whole pricing / subscription base in a new platform for which I did not ask. Please let me know what is going on @Xero, why did we get migrated and what are we supposed to do?