Settings and activity
7 results found
28 votes
If the payment is occurring at a different time to the transaction being entered is there a reason why the transaction is not being recorded as a bill, Anne-Marie?
There are lots of efficiencies in how bills can now be created in Xero without much manual intervention so would be good to understand more of the detail behind your business needs, here.
Emily Singh supported this idea ·
2 votes
Emily Singh shared this idea ·
195 votes
Hi all, appreciate the interest and rationale for wanting to be able to combine and hide line items on an invoice for sending to your clients, while having your usual detail tracked on the invoice in Xero.
While this may be a function we look to explore in the long-term we want to be upfront that this is not something we’ll be developing in the near term. Our team is focussed on other key priorities right now such as improvements to invoice branding and getting paid.
If you want to hide all line item details, you can create a custom invoice theme where you can decide which data fields appear on the PDF invoice. For example to print only the Subtotal and no line items.
However we’re aware that in other cases you want to be able to show some line items and not others. We’ll leave this idea open…
Emily Singh supported this idea ·
1 vote
Emily Singh shared this idea ·
90 votes
Hi team, to share your feedback with the right teams and individuals can you please explain the screens/pages in Xero you'd find this particularly useful?
Emily Singh supported this idea ·
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4 votes
Emily Singh shared this idea ·
200 votes
Hi team, we appreciate the attention this idea has received and do want to share that while we aren't directly developing at this stage, notification and being able to collaborate on bills is something our team are currently looking into.
We can't provide any promises right now, but we wanted to loop you all in on news. Once the teams research has concluded and we have a better sight on what can be done in this space I'll return to update you all, here. Thanks
Emily Singh supported this idea ·
I would love to see this, as I send timesheet reports to customers and often the Hours column is really wide and the Description is too narrow and it just looks odd! Currently, I export to excel and manually adjust things, then export to PDF from there.