4643 results found
expenses - save the filter options submitted for that session
When you've filtered to view a certain set of submitted expenses, if you click on one to review & approve, when you go back to the main page you're back to square one. Often I want to view and approve submissions in the filtered groupings to ensure there are no duplicates or the same journey is being marked the same distance etc, but can't do this without resetting the filters each time. Annoying as our CRM system saves your filter search option each time until you sign out, which is a really useful web feature that I would recommend Xero…
1 vote -
API - Add a VAT201 Report endpoint to the Xero API
If the VAT201 report endpoint is added to the Xero API, it could save businesses doing the reconciliation for their clients and their tax returns. The report could then be saved directly to an excel document based on specific dates and this could lead to hours of time being saved for the people doing the recon.
1 vote -
Would be good to ad payment machine to xero
Would be good to be able to link your payment card reader to program so you could direct print invoice after customer pay by contactless using hims credit or debit card
1 vote -
Email templates - Remove the organisation name
As you’ve found, right now it’s not possible to only show the organisations logo or to remove the organisation name from the email. This would help in customizing what is shown to recipients/clients.
The best way to get your voice heard is by adding your thoughts to our Xero Product Ideas. Xero Product Ideas is a Xero website where our customers can share and support ideas for change.
I’ve included a link to the Xero Product Ideas page where you can view and support current ideas or create a new one to share your thoughts.
7 votesHi team, the organisation name and logo shown on the invoice email is taken from the organisations details page. You can add your organisations logo on this page which will appear on emails sent from your organisation.
Payments - GoCardless integration that supports their new installments feature.
GoCardless and Xero integration that supports their new installments feature.
7 votes -
Bill payments - Separate bill folders for different purchase types
We have a client that has subscriptions that are paid monthly via card with a "debit order", can you create different payables folders and link it to each bank account so that normal operating expenses that are paid weekly can match with the business' current account and have a separate folder in payables that has all the subscription invoices to match in the bank recon screen
1 voteHi Marinus, thanks for the detail of your needs here. While there's no particular feature for this right now, one option could be to use a consistent prefix that you add to the reference field of these type of bills.
When reconciling the payment in your bank account, you'd use Find & Match and could enter the prefix in the Search field to look up al the related bills for that period.
On focus the code dropdown should clear
In the dcoding screen, if there's already a code selected then the user has to manually empty the existing code to be able to type another. This is just clunky - when the dropdown is enabled it should either clear the field or allow the user to start typing a new code.
2 votes -
Fixed Assets | Depreciation - Update depreciation rate
Would like to add the feature to change the depreciation rate of an asset (not retrospectively) for the book value. would assist in writing off remaining balance of assets and the like. (Xero AU)
6 votes -
Hubdoc - Link bills uploaded from Hubdoc to Purchase Orders in Xero
We publish a large quantity of bills from Hubdoc to Xero. To implement a purchase order system we will need to be able to link these bills from Hubdoc to Purchase orders created in Xero. Otherwise Hubdoc is not really of use to us and will make the work load more.
11 votes -
Reconciliation - Flag any transaction for Review
We need a way to flag a transaction, either a sales, bill or account transaction that can then be pulled into a report for review before finalising BAS's etc.
Whether that be a spend money that you are awaiting a Tax Invoice for, a bill that is in dispute, or a sales that need follow up.
Could it be in the Bank Reconciliation menu where you can then pull the "discuss" notes into a report and the query notes could be there?
5 votes -
Specified Access for individual users within the Accounting module
We would like to suggest that you enable clients to be able to provide our individual users with specified access to certain functions/reports in the Accounting module.
2 votes -
Find and Recode - Option to switch "Received as" to Prepayment, Overpayment, etc
Find and Recode payments from imported statements to change the "Received as" feature to Prepayment or Overpayment.
I have a lot of older statements to import (this particular payment provider does not offer a feed for importing automatically). These payments are nearly all prepayments, and now I have to manually reconcile them to Prepayments. Automation would be a real time saver!
2 votes -
New Invoicing - Option to apply credit when using 'Approve and add another'
The new invoicing alerts you to a credit on a customer's account if you APPROVE an invoice but if you APPROVE AND ADD ANOTHER invoice it simply moves right on and does not mention the credit. Please could the apply credit option be available regardless of the way you finalise your invoice.
9 votes -
Invoices - Option to convert to bill
It would useful to be able to have an edit function that allows you to change a bill to an invoice and vice versa. As clients tend to confuse these and it takes a lot of steps to copy the information over and delete the mistake.
68 votes -
NZ tax- Student Loan overseas borrower repayments
Overseas Borrower Student Loan repayments have different payment dates (30 September and 31 March), there is currently no functionality within Xero Tax (NZ) to manage these payments. I understand it is not possible for the system to calculate the repayment amounts as these are determined based on the loan balance, but if there could be an override amount like for Provisional Tax that would be useful, instead of having to track these borrowers manually.
8 votes -
New Invoicing - Retain Invoice Number when leaving the entry screen
This is an extremely basic feature that must be fixed (in my opinion, a bug). If I create a NEW invoice, but then do not approve it or save it as a draft, and simply close the browser or the session times out) the invoice number that had been temporarily allocated to this invoice is now lost. The next time I open Xero and input a new invoice, it skips that number and uses the next number. This is ridiculous behaviour as consecutive invoice numbers are critical to many companies.
To fix this, whenever a new invoice is started, the…
10 votes -
GST Returns
When transactions are listed, to have the same icon that is on other screens that shows a invoice/receipt is attached.
This will help speed up the process when filing receipts.1 vote -
New invoicing | Copy to draft - Approve and email prompt if credit or prepayment available
For invoicing - if you copy an existing invoice (copy to draft invoice) - once all information is completed - when you then click "approve and email" it does not offer any credits or prepayments before sending. After you send you return to the invoice - it then shows "apply credit" - but this is too late! If you only click on "approve" then it will show the prepayment to allocate. But I believe you need it on both - approve and email should be included.
2 votes -
New invoicing | Contact - add additional people on the fly
Adding a new customer on the fly.
The drop down for adding a new customer at invoice does not have any fields for adding the customer the contact. Why2 votes -
Contact | Ability to add phone number for persons of a contact record
Have the option to add individual contact numbers as well s emails for each additional contact from separate departments
93 votesHi community, we'd like to confirm that enabling phone numbers to be stored against additional people within a contact record is not something we have plans to develop at this time. This may be a function we look to explore in the long-term so we're still interested to get a clearer understanding of users that'd like to see this developed, and will continue to track this through the conversation here. If there's any change we will let you know on on this idea.
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