Invoices - Date columns for individual line items
Ability to add date columns for individual line items.
Purpose: To make users easily put a date for each item. The scenario that can benefit users is for them to show a specific date of when the product/service is delivered.

Hi everyone, we appreciate the interest in being able to add dates to individual lines of an invoice. Currently our team are focused on improvements to new invoicing and we want to be upfront we don't have any plans for adding a date column to the details grid within an invoice atm.
Right now if you do require dates for individual line items we'd recommend adding these within the Description field of the line.
We will continue to review this as we continue to evolve the product. If there are any updates or changes, we'll share this all with you through the idea here. Thanks
Arthur Johnson commented
March 2025 We just change from QuickBooks to Xero and this simple feature is so important to our operation we are considering switching back. Wero is not vey user friendly and more expensive than QuickBooks, but the problems we had with QB we can probably live with. Please add this simple feature and look after you clients. QuicBooks can do it, it can't be that hard.
Nadine Lovejoy commented
We are a service industry and would really like the ability the have a column on the invoice that can have a date entered. Currently if we have a big job's invoice that has multiple dates for work done. I have to enter the date in the description field as a separate line, on a large invoice this looks messy. It would be so much better if the column next to the description was a date column.
Angela Jennings commented
This would really be a useful feature to add these fields and from a reporting aspect would make it so much easier!
Aidan Millar-Powell commented
Haha what a joke... what an absolute joke... it would require the most minimal amount of effort to add this feature and YEARS later you still won't do it. Absolute clown school.
Andrew Braund commented
This is really poor form. It seems like a trivial thing to implement and widely used. Time for me to leave the Xero fold...
Heider Sati commented
For the record and to be clear, XERO never listened to any of this, the response above only came in after I opened a support case today and requested a response to this 4-year-old request, it was only then someone wrote the response above indicating that XERO has no intention to bother with the date field.
For any person writing new comments, ... please note that your comments are likely not be read unless you request this to be updated through a support ticket. -
Patrick Doyle commented
I have now cancelled my subscription with Xero due to inaction on this matter.
It is a very simple feature to implement and there is no reasonable excuse as to why continued failure to implement the feature.For my particular situation it is necessary to have dates of service per line item to meet invoice guidelines which helps to create a clear picture for clients.
I will continue to use InvoiceNinja as they have this feature.
Heider Sati commented
For what it's worth; This is a Critical issue, not having it on the horizon for fix after almost 4 years of customer requesting and complaining about this is a total ignorance.
JOHN HASSALL commented
Hi Kelly, I already add in description because thats the only real option. It is really disappointing that you say you're "focused on improvements" but unwilling to add the date column even after plenty of people have identified it as an obvious improvement. I assume you need a critical mass but there's likely a silent group of users who wouldn't comment on this idea because they thought (rightly) that nothing would change.
Vicki Carlisle commented
19 Nov 2024 - Adding dates IS an improvement, and one that users are requesting!
Maybe Xero developers could tell us which improvements they are 'focused on' and the USERS can decide what is important to them? -
Heider Sati commented
Dear Xero,
Do you mind please sharing an update whether this feature would be implemented or not?
Heider Sati commented
I am literally struggling now to "automate" my invoices to clients as they do require to see the dates of items being billed ... example: I submit a weekly invoice to my client and I must detail which date within the week my staff worked, so far I have been doing manual documents via MS word, but would really help a lot to all businesses if you could please add this feature. We are all paying customers of XERO, we do like it, I hate to move into another accounts provider just because this feature is not there. I notice this has been requested since 2022, would appreciate if XERO could add this field into the works, as a programmer myself it shouldn't be a hard thing to do, ... if you need me to help with this addition; I'm more than happy to chip in and do this for you.
Thomas Melbourne commented
need this for the type of business we are running, not having the ability to have the service date in its own column, means we will be returning to quickbooks
Andrew Braund commented
There have been numerous requests for this over the years!! Pathetic response from Xero. I'm out.
Andrew Tingley commented
Xero - why haven’t you provided an update on this request. It is so basic. I’m seriously considering moving away given your lack of customer focus.
Patrick Doyle commented
Feature request submitted March, 2022, it is now September 2024, and it hasn't been implemented, WTF Dev team?
I need this feature as a invoicing requirement for my clients record keeping.
Make it happen.
Kind regards,
New customer as of 1hr ago. hahaha. -
Leon Schulz commented
Dates on each service line is a standard invoice requirement for monthly invoices of multiple services, Xero should make this a priority to add. There should be no limit to the number of custom fields you can add and name as your business requires, basic standard feature..
Xero please fix ASAP -
Jen Lewis commented
This additional function would be a game changer!
Gretchen Cook commented
Please make this change ASAP. This function is critical to our clients business.
Wendy McClure commented
I'm an accounting firm owner and would like to transition some clients from QuickBooks, but the lack of this feature stops me from making that change.