Tracking - Make mandatory / required
Make it mandatory to add tracking to items where available e.g Purchase Orders, Invoice, Bill, Expense
Purpose: Prompt for users when manually entering invoices, and assurity that each line has been allocated to a tracking option

Emma Hards commented
This would be amazing! Otherwise being able to report on categories is pointless because most people forget to attach them in our organisation.
Gaenor Thompson commented
An important option which seems to have been missed by XERO.
This is a critical feature for us and other clients especially with linked programmes such as ApprovalMax.
Where are you with this feature? -
Nicole Gaitan commented
Require location codes (if set up) for all transactions before a transaction can be saved
Caine Rochford commented
An issue we've been having is people missing 'department' adding on xero app as it hides it under 'optional' I think there should be a way to change what is and isn't optional on expense.
Melinda McAuley commented
This would be a major benefit to all my clients - please escalate this fix!
Arthur Crocker commented
I endorse all the comments below, which seem to have been going for at least a year with no response. Making tracking configurable so that the super user can make it mandatory is essential to getting useful information (and is the norm among other packages and stand alone apps such as Expensify).
Claire Murnane commented
Great Idea - Project Code field mandatory
David Leslie commented
Maybe this is already a feature, and I'm missing it. But you should be able to have account groups on a custom P&L to show certain accounts filtered by certain tracking categories.
This way you can limit the number of accounts needed to present them properly on the P&L.
I'll give you an example, you have departments for a tracking category. Cost of Sales, Research and Development, Sales, Marketing, Admin.
Then on the P&L you want all expenses for all accounts that have the Cost of Sales tracking category to show in Cost of Sales, then in Research and Development, you want all accounts to show for the research and development tracking category, Sales and Marketing, etc.
You then want to display all the accounts and amounts in each section.
Otherwise if you have Salaries you'd need to make many different accounts for Salaries - Cost of Sales, Salaries - Marketing, etc. It makes the CoA too large when it can be done this way much more cleanly.
Daniel Clarke, CPA commented
I love Xero - but this is a big sore spot for a lot of our clients and users. This would make life significantly easier.
Thomas Angelo Gutierrez commented
This is a must feature specially for comapnies with different projects/cost and profit tracker
Christine Henson commented
Xero Expenses - the ability to make the tracking name/code a required field.
Paul Jackson commented
@RhysRoberts - can't agree more with your second paragraph
Rhys Roberts commented
When Xero started out they genuinely listened to customer feedback - I recall talking with Rod Drury in about 2011 discussing the need for payroll in Xero, following which they bought Paycycle (not personally claiming the credit for this, mine was just one of many voices) and integrated it into the app. Many other examples of development driven by (or at least informed by) user needs.
Over the past few years, they have (IMHO) become less and less responsive to actual client needs, spending developer time on features that add no value to anyone, whilst ignoring feature requests that would deliver benefit. I am holding out almost nil hope of this feature actually getting actioned! :-(
Marian de Waal commented
Some months it take ages to clear the 'Unassigned' transactions, due to staff forgetting to complete the tracking. This would be a great feature - YES please.
Lisa Ratcliffe commented
Please add this function ASAP
ABL Corp commented
This would be very useful for a number of our clients. Could this be implemented as soon as possible. Thanks
Vince Tan commented
Yes please implement a setting to make this mandatory. This is critical for our business and would save a lot of time having to assign unassigned trasactions.
It would be useful to have a project name/number facility on Purchase Orders which then automatically transfers to the corresponding bill. Likewise a quote once accepted given a project name/number facility automatically transferred to the invoice when raised ensuring accurate project tracking.
Devina Nathania commented
This function will be very useful for me. Please implement it asap! :)
C. Basira Kroll commented
As well, we need a report that is cash basis and can have number of items sold, revenue totals and a tracking category