Fixed Assets - Partial allocation of depreciation for business and private use
To have the ability to account for depreciation on both business and private portions of an asset.
Purpose: Save time for users to get the correct figures rather than going through manual process.

Roy Kohardy commented
Please add this function as soon as possible.
Janice Cutajar commented
This is critical - For many of our clients assets are not used 100% for tax purposes. It is crazy that Xero assets did not include this from day 1. It needs to be fixed as soon as possible
Chris Nicolas commented
Essential function for a Fixed Asset Register. As a Xero advocate it’s embarrassing explaining to staff that this isn’t available.
Stuart Reid commented
Please add the private use option urgently as this applies to many of our small business clients.
Sarah Odgers commented
Surely the New Zealand software is similar to that used in Australia, can the coding by copied over?
Melissa Long commented
Any update on this for the Australian Version?
Bennett Collings commented
Have been adding in a few conversion balances and fixed assets, and discovered that you can't add private use depreciation amount. Our business practice is to leave a note on the transaction, and even if the private use is correct going forward, it doesn't show historically on reporting as private use.
Would be nice for reporting purposes to include this as separated from the normal accumulated depreciation business use. -
Phil Davis commented
Although it would be ideal if Xero added a box for private use %, here is a suggested solution for you to use in the meantime.
SUGGESTION: Use the 'Cost Limit' box to achieve your objective.
For example, if a new vehicle costs $60,000 and the business use percentage is 50%:
1) Enter the asset into the Fixed Assets with the correct purchase price, i.e. $60,000.
2) Next to the depreciation 'Start Date' click on 'Show more options' so that you can access the 'Cost Limit' box.
3) Enter $30,000 (asset cost x private portion) into the 'Cost Limit' box.
This will ensure that:
1) The purchase and sale are accounted for correctly.
2) Only the business portion of depreciation is posted to the P&L.
3) By adding the 'Cost Limit' column to the depreciation schedule, you can see the reason for reduced depreciation and enable reconciliation to the Balance Sheet.
I hope that helps.
Alastair Boyd commented
Any update on this for the Australian Version?
Roy Kohardy commented
We need urgently in Australia version
Chris Mouradjallian commented
Please add this function as soon as possible, especially if its available in NZ.
John Tsoutras commented
I cant understand how this function is not active in a Xero blue file, yet its active on Xero tax!
Xero development team, need to step up your game ASAP!!!
James Moore commented
Enable the option to include a private use % when adding an asset to the fixed asset register
Suzanne McKean commented
Critical feature for:
- saving time
- keeping a proper audit trail
- avoid errors -
Reetika Gupta commented
So strange that this feature is not available in Australia. This feature is so basic and so important. Please make this available asap.
Annie Harris commented
Please get this implemented ASAP, please!
Anthony Hughes commented
I can't beleive this is not a function, especially when you have already implemented it in othe regions.
Paul Howlett commented
@Dale They were able to implement it within Xero Tax, but still not within Xero Blue!!
Dale Dunbar commented
I believe this has to be a feature in XERO, why does the NZ version have it and Australia doesn't????
Zoe Mahlstedt commented
I cannot believe it is 2024 and Xero still does not have this capability..