UK Payroll - Payslips - Schedule date for payslips to be emailed
Ability to have an automated scheduled payslip.
Purpose: To make Payroll admin workflow easier, especially when they aren’t working on the day when payslip needs to be sent.

Andrew Blair commented
This is such an easy thing and will help users so very much. Whats the delay?
Or is the update 'scheduled'? (Pardon the pun)
Freya Pieroz commented
I'm running three weeks worth of weekly payroll for one client today, with the client's permission, because neither of us wants to be in the office in between Christmas and New Year's. I'd really like to schedule the payslips to automatically send on the day that the payments are scheduled for.
(Payslips that aren't sent within 24 hours of payroll payment day are breaking employment law; me working while I'm on annual leave breaches my contract. Basically, I currently have no option available to follow all legal requirements)
Jill Fechner commented
This is a must have. This feature was available in Quickbooks and I was really surprised that such a basic thing was not available in Xero.
Martine Mcgurgan commented
I would use this every pay run! Please add this feature!
Andrew Blair commented
This is a feature that would be VERY helpful. When is the feature expected to be live?
Kathryn Grouden commented
It would be great if you could schedule the emailing of the payslip to a particular day or time also, currently you have to log in and do it manually to send at the time of clicking the button, its annoying as I always want them to send a day or two later
Freya Pieroz commented
Fair Work Australia says payslips are to be sent within a day of payday - we like to queue up payroll so as much as possible runs automatically over Christmas, when we're all on leave, but payslips being required to be sent within a day of payday means that we can't, for example, create a payroll to be paid on 28/12/22 and then go on holiday - someone has to log in while they're visiting family just to send the payslips.
Carmel Cristofaro commented
I run payroll for two separate organisations and this would be a great feature especially when I run a payroll before the scheduled day.
Kathleen Hemmings commented
Would be great to have this functionality so that employees receive their payslips on their payday as I often finalise the payroll beforehand.
Karen Hill commented
It would be great if you could arrange for payslips to be sent on a different day to the day that the payrun was prepared. Sometimes I need to do the payrun earlier than the pay date and I would prefer to be able to send the payslips out on the pay date but not have to log in again on the pay date to do this
Paul Burgess commented
This would be a useful addition to the Payroll function.
Roanna Vallance commented
We would like to be able to send pay slips in the evening. Please sort asap
Guillaume Massardier commented
Definitely important.
Mark Thomas commented
Agree this would be useful, and help making sure its not overlooked.
Ken Nishida commented
I cannot believe Xero does not action this and leave it so long. All other payroll software have this basic function.
Naomi Gibbins commented
Can't believe this isn't possible!
Lynne Hope commented
This should be a built in feature automatically. The employer should be able to publish payslips to an employee when they want and not when Xero want!!!
Linda Kennedy commented
All about the automation where we can
Elle Russell commented
Scheduling payslips to be automatically emailed to employees would be a fantastic feature. It would save a lot of time.
Team Accounts commented
This is important to send the payslip automatically on Weekend.