Fixed Assets - Ability to include additions to existing assets
Feature where users’ can include addition to existing assets.
Purpose: To save users’ time rather than having two create two different assets in Xero.

Angel Rennie commented
Clients need this feature to make the asset module to be more reliable
Sheldon Rennie commented
This is a fundamental requirement that should be available for capitalizing assets. Additions as well disposals are all part of capitalizing.
Xero Management commented
Really need this feature!
Eltimon Van Der Merwe commented
Please add this as we need it for vehicle purchases with later additions
Helen Birmingham commented
Having the ability to create Sub Assets is very important in keeping track of Assets. As previously noted, other additions can be missed when an asset is sold or scrapped due to being listed separately. Considering this request has been on going for many years, this should be a priority in adding this option to Xero.
Carolyn Nicol commented
This is very important as parts of assets can be missed when the asset is sold, it is hard to show they are all part of the same asset on the asset schedule. A grouping function would allow for different period/months of depreciation to be claimed. We would still need to see clearly on the schedule & when handling maintenance of the assets which assets make up the one asset.
Denis Saville commented
We Build our own Fixed asset often.
Jo Russell commented
Given the original request was over 10 years ago, could this be reviewed please?
Since WorkFlowMax was dropped by Xero, implementing a replacement software system has incurred costs across multiple months. We are now ready to capitalise these costs to begin depreciating and having a single asset for this replacement software rather than one asset per invoice would be logical.
If we register each individual invoice as an asset, that creates noise/confusion in the asset register.
If we only register a single asset, then we lose the link to the original invoices.
Please review this asap. -
John Goldsworthy commented
Would be really handy to have ability to add extra asset costs. For things like sheds that get added to every now and then. One single asset is much better. APS/XPA do this easily and is much cleaner. Also ability to have part sales to assets - for example sale of a portion of land.
Audrey Connelly commented
easier when sold or disposed of - Grouping assets would be great
Suzanne Bovaird commented
We purchased an asset which then had setup costs to be added to it, so it makes sense to be able to have this all under the one asset number
Emma Van Der Pol commented
Xero fixed assets need the ability to make adjustments to the costbase. Sometimes there are partial sales or additions to existing assets and cant do an adjustment to the asset, have to create entirely new asset or sell and redo new asset. This makes some calculations hard as the depreciation schedule doesnt show disposals correctly either.
Olivia Rawson commented
This would be a massive help, especially for our clients who make additions to their vehicles or properties, we end up with a bunch of assets on our schedule all relating to one actual asset - ends up looking unnecessarily messy
Audrey Connelly commented
Grouping of assets - same as MYOB the old AO , was so Good. the same please, obviously been asked for previously , so why no action ?
John Lewis commented
Coming up on the 10 year anniversary of this request. Tipping it's not likely to happen any time soon
Maria Lis commented
I dont understand how something so important is not yet delivered at least since 2014.
Yasmeen Tahoune commented
Has this been sorted? very disappointing fixed assets module that doesn't allow additions to an existing asset.
Carolyn Nicol commented
I personally do not see a problem with having two separate assets to handle additions, but would like the ability to group them as one in reports. If a reduction in the original assets is required a negative asset may not be possible, so some ability to alter cost would be good. Also seems to be impossible to add assets with passed accumulated depreciation. In NZ if a asset is purchased from an associate we need to keep the original cost & accumulated depreciation for the new owner, so if sold for more that the original cost, the full amount of depreciation previously claimed can be shown as income to the new owner.
Jun Zhao commented
It would be helpful to have "Second Element of Cost" for existing fixed assets -
Purpose: to enable either "Additional Cost" or "Discount" to be added into existing Registered Assets.
From accounting/bookkeeping perspective, this additional cost/discount should *not* impact the depreciation in past periods (ie Past Depreciation Amount is supposed to be locked once a financial period is closed. A separate journal can be created in order to reflect/catch up the changes in GL)
Josh Ireland commented
Would be very useful to be able to assign costs to a fixed asset from a bill or receipt I.e. a bill for a machinery repair assigned to a specific machine