Dashboard - Track Quotes
Ability to track quotes on the Dashboard
Purpose: This would allow for quick access to do quoting work

Thanks for joining and following in the idea here, everyone. While early exploration has been done in this area, we want to be upfront that we don't have any short term plans for developing the ability to track quotes on the dashboard.
At present, you may find search in the navigation a quick way to navigate to all quotes by typing 'q'.
If there is any change planned in this space we'll be sure to update you on this.
Tony Martin commented
I really like the ability to quote clients, then convert to invoices, BUT I want to see the QUOTES on a DASHBOARD tile.
It is not a difficult thing, but having to go to multiple screens to get an overview of my business is surely not right!
Come on Xero, give us the QUOTES Dashboard tile please!! -
Sean Boyd commented
This really should be a feature. Having an overview of the quote statuses is invaluable.
Mel Gibbons commented
Any update on this request. It seems to be a very logical and important thing to have on the dashboard. I have seen this requested many times over and I personally put a request in, when i first started using Xero in 2019. Its not just about the quick search to the quotes section, its to have an overview on the dashboard for easy view of the status value of the quotes.
Sam Roberts commented
I would love this feature!
Anita Robinson commented
This is most important. If not adding it as a separate box on dashboard at least add it as a clickable link under invoices with the draft, waiting payment and overdue - this shouldn't be too hard of a change make and will make quotes so much more visable! Please at least do this, if you won't add quotes with accepted, submitted, draft as a separate box.
Lizelle Coombs commented
The dashboard should indeed be far more customizable. I want to decide what to see there. This issue was already asked long ago, from what I can see here, so let's hope Xero comes through for customer service!. As a South African non-profit, we love using Xero, but it is not a small cost for us monthly - so having our client-voice heard will go a long way!
Ashley Davis commented
The dashboard in general needs to become way more customisable. This is one of the features sold but is useless to the major majority of users who don't need these current dashboard items.
Manny Castaneda commented
I am a new user and I am very shocked this is not already on the dashboard. In my assessment, this feature is a very basic dashboard 101 feature, which enables all subscribers to succeed in business. Frankly, I think this is a critical feature, as it is very easy to forget follow-up, unless it is staring at us directly. Hence, losing out on a business opportunity, which generates revenue. I for one start most of my book's activity from my dashboard, and keep referring back to it, so I do not forget important things for me to do.
Leonard Trewarn commented
A fantastic idea and I hope it is implemented!
sylvain spenle commented
it is an important way to follow business
Lizelle Coombs commented
That is a pity - having the quotes nicely on my dashboard will also help remind me to follow up on them! It can also help with sales forecasts, etc. I think you should reconsider this as a short term development plan - which I think is much more important that the time you spend changing the invoices, for the worst, I might add, we can now no longer send Xero to Xero invoices, which was so efficient!
Sam Ramone commented
This seems like basic functionality and a necessity, especially for anyone in the trades.
Sarah Clearwater commented
I am using the draft invoice feature as a work around because the quote feature isn't available on the dahsboard. I need to be able to see business cash flow at a glance and by seeing qoutes (draft invoices in my case) I know what I have in my pipeline. It would make business management a lot easier if quotes was a dashboard feature.
Vanessa Anderson commented
I also agree, it would be alot simpler to see this from the dashboard.
Kat Streeter commented
I would love this!!!
Anita | Botham's of Whitby commented
It would be so handy to have a small section on the dashboard that just highlighted Quotes (QTY of) and the qyt of quotes in each status. For example, being able to see at first glance how many are in Draft, Sent, Declined, Accepted, Invoiced.
Presently, you have to 'go looking' to see these, where other areas of the business are shown on the dashboard to get a general overview of work. -
Joseph Powell commented
As others have said - This is really important to get a quick view on via the dashboard rather than having to dig in to reports or the quotes areas.
Anita Robinson commented
It's so shortsighted to not have quotes on the dashboard, I would have thought as a product aimed at business that it would be available to have on the dashboard - a visual reminder to follow up on quotes, to forecast needs and to monitor progress of jobs right through to payment. I'm disappointed with the decision to not include this in short term plans.
Mel Gibbons commented
This is really important to keep track and follow up on Quotes
Mel Gibbons commented
When is this going to happen???