Pricing Plans - Add Cash Coding to Starter plan
Adding cash coding into Xero Starter Plan
Purpose: It will help the accountant's work easier in reconciling their client’s account.
Jacqueline Dejesus commented
Cash coding is really a life saver and it should be included in the starter plan. It is time consuming to have to go through each transaction to classify it when it could be done in bulk.
Miriam Zavala commented
Why on earth does the Starter Plan not include cash coding for the bookkeeper/accountant? I had to roll back some of my clients to the partner plan that does include it. Isn't that silly? If XERO wants to promote the starter plan to small businesses, removing the cash coding feature or not including it is definitely not going to help. This is a step in the wrong direction and may alienate some businesses like myself.
John McDonald commented
Cash coding should be in the starter plan.
The question is will it be in new plan being introduced when the Great GST cash book becomes obsolete? -
Pavel Prokofyev commented
I am absolutely frustrated with loosing cash coding option on Starter plan which was available for me on Partners plan.
Sally Stone commented
My client downgraded to the starter plan and I agree to give Bas agents and tax agents access to the cash coding feature on the Starter plans.
Simon Casson commented
I was on the Standard Plan and after the notification of another price increase I had cause to check I was on the correct plan for me.
Upon review I changed to the Starter Plan but after doing so discovered I'd lost the cash coding function.
It's not clearly stated on the pricing plan comparison chart that cash coding is not available on the Starter Plan.
I'd love to see it included of course, otherwise made a lot clearer on the comparison chart.
Thanks -
Kathy Mazzachi commented
I'm so disappointed that I have lost my access to cash coding as it was the most time efficient way of processing transactions. I don't understand why i have lost this functionality which only makes me unhappy with the Xero product.
I guess I'll have to move to another service provider as the comments below all seeking to have cash coding applied to the starter product seem to be ignored by Xero.
Natalee Barge commented
It would be especially beneficial when setting up a new client with outstanding returns
Amanda Paprzik commented
Agree with everyone, doesn't make sense that a partner plan can cash code but a starter plan can't.
Karen Rumble commented
Cash Coding is so much more efficient & user friendly and removes the possibility of miscoding when the "Suggest previous entries" box is ticked on the reconciliation screen.
Sam Corbeau commented
Doesn't make sense that a partner plan can cash code but a starter plan can't. I dissuade my clients from going on the starter plan and rather stay on the partner plan because of this feature missing.
Ruby Manak commented
Needs to be added to the starter plan we upgraded our plan then lost this functionality. Whats the logic in upgrading paying more then loosing features. cash coding was extremely useful when reconciling. saved so much time...
Fiona Green commented
Hello! I'd love this added. I'm a tiny business and so I do everything by myself. I'm considering not using Xero because my reconciliations take so long to do.
Anthony Sacca commented
I agree that this needs to be added to the Starter package. While things like multi-currency. payroll and limits on billings and invoices make sense. They are add-on features to a system whereas cash coding is not an add-on feature just something that makes using the system faster
Karen Hardie commented
Recently upgraded several clients from GST Cashbook to Starter so we could move these clients payroll to Xero from MYOB. And now we have lost cash coding so essentially taken a step backwards by upgrading the subscription
Karen Hardie commented
Recently upgraded several clients from GST Cashbook to Starter so we could move these clients payroll to Xero from MYO(B. And now we have lost cash coding so essentially taken a step backwards by upgrading the subsceription.
Conrad Galang commented
Very important
Jeni Williamson commented
This is very important
Lillian Butts commented
Please add it to Xero starter plan. It’s in the partner plan and it makes sense to add it to the starter plan
Anisa Loonat commented
Cash coding is available on the lower partner plans, this should be available on all plans. This feature is effective and time saving.