Invoice Reminders - CC/BCC on outgoing emails
Ability to add CC/BCC on every outgoing invoice reminder email.
Purpose: To make other users can see the exact email that the customer/client sees."

Thanks for your continued input and contribution to this idea. We've now released an improved send experience for new invoicing, where you have a side by side view to give you full visibility of what's being sent. Encompassed in this is also the ability to CC and BCC others in the email😊.
For the time being this is limited to sending from the invoice itself and won't apply to Invoice Reminder emails. However, we are thinking ahead and will look to expand this capability in time. We'll keep you updated of any further progress of this here.
Chun Shen Goh commented
May i know is CC & BCC for automated reminders email implemented?
James Barkwith commented
@Kelly Munro - Thanks for adding this, but where can I find it? I just tried sending an invoice, and its just the same as before, I see no CC or BCC fields. I also see now side by side view you are talking about either. I am on the new invoicing, not classic. Where do I find these new features? Thanks.
FC Admin commented
This feature will give everyone more visibility. It’s an issue for us and our customers right now and is delaying payments.
We get CONSTANT complaints from customers about this.
Tony Costa commented
An audit trail is important to demonstrate you have done everythign possible to communicate with your client.
Mohammed Bastaki commented
Why this is not being implemented!! From programming and development standpoint, it is very easy to do.
Chris Watts commented
It's a shame to see that using carbon copies for invoices, a practice used by most businesses who have separate commercial and billing teams, is still not implemented!
We're looking at a week of developer time, a week of integration and testing from the UI and UX team, and a small amount of product management time. I'm pretty sure the monthly fees from everyone that has asked for this in the comments makes up for the cost.
Rebecca Whiteman commented
This should have been implemented now it is a simple addition from a development point of view and would make a significant improvement for its users.
There is a legal perspective that Xero are missing here.... that is, if a company has to pursue legal channels to escalate the unpaid debt then they will need evidence that attempts to remind the customer that a payment is due were sent. Users are unable to print anything from within Xero to prove that the reminder emails were sent other than a screenshot of the awaiting payment screen.
If there was the option to cc the reminders the company would be able to print a copy of the reminder emails that were sent and use in their chronology of events.
Please look at implementing this Xero.
Richard Allen commented
I'm going to guess Xero aren't interested in adding this and the only way we can add automated invitations to Trustpilot when using Xero to invoice customers is by having a Trustilot paid subscription and another paid subscription for something like Zapier. Minimum cost is £275+vat per month. I guess bigger companies could swallow that but us small business owners can't.
I have work-around for it that costs nothing.
Trustpilot can integrate with any CRM/Invoice package using the BCC field on emails but as we know, Xero won't give it to us. So create a contact in Xero, call it whatever you like but I called it Trustpilot Review. Save your unique email address in the contact details and simply add it to every invoice you email to a customer. When you get the email box on the screen you can add any existing contact just by typing their name, type in Trustpilot in the address box and matching contacts come up. Just select your review contact amnd send.
It's free and easy to do. And does it matter if the customer sees a Trustpilot invitiation? It's a good thing.
Hope this helps someone.
otso paatelma commented
What gives? Why isn't this simple feature implemented yet?
Pete Swaffield commented
I thought Xero was about making running a business easier? Quickbooks have a function to CC for invoice reminders, so surely a business like Xero can at least try and keep up with other accounting software options? You have been asked for over 12 months to add this function, why are you ignoring your clients?
Michael Caban commented
As mentioned numerous times below, this is critical. Whilst we have the ability to auto send reminders, we don't have evidence of the body of the reminder if the debt does escalate. A line in the notes saying, Reminder sent by Xero to ... does not show the body of the communication reminder.
Either the reminder is sent to the business too or include the body of the reminder in the note.
Surely, this is reasonable for Xero to implement.
Steve Redston commented
As others have stated. I want to be able to use the BCC address for TrustPilot reviews.
Joseph Fung commented
Is there a way to add more than 1 vote?!
For a product as mature as Xero, I'm surprised this feature doesn't exist. It's embarrassingly simple to implement, but would dramatically improve everyone's ability to support their customers.
Tomos Clark commented
As mentioned by others, this is important to us. We want to implement auto reminders, but need evidence of communications taken place if the debt does escalate.
Leanne Clifton commented
This feature is needed to be able to use Trustpilots Automatic Invitations - please
Christopher Charles commented
Suggest moving to a different platform. Nothing ever changes/improves with Xero. So many open bugs!
Claire Atkins commented
Our customers may lose all their possessions if they don't pay their invoices, so we really need to see a copy of the exact reminder sent to them so we have proof they were given notification.
Fiona Spencer commented
This is critical to good customer relations, especially when our 45 day reminder results in possible service disruptions for the client.
Is this functionality coming soon? Thanks -
Christopher Charles commented
Any update on this? Seems a very simple feature and very powerful/useful/requested.
Thanks -
Jason Wood commented
Unless I go into EVERY single contact that is added to Xero by myself or other packages and add myself as an additional person then I miss out on any reminders that are sent